Zodiac date: an overview of all signs

When does which zodiac sign celebrate a birthday? That tells you the zodiac date. We present the exact dates of all 12 characters.

Zodiac date: the 12 seasons at a glance

Gemini, Leo or Taurus? When you this Date of birth of a person, you also know their zodiac sign. Often you have the exact dates of a single one Zodiac season but not in the head. Then it helps to have an overview at hand that gives you information about each individual zodiac date. And here she comes! You can find out the zodiac date as well as the associated zodiac planets, the elements and the strengths and weaknesses of each of the 12 zodiac signs.

Zodiac sign Capricorn (December 22nd – January 20th)

Don't complain, do it! Capricorn women and Capricorn men are very resilient personalities who stick to their plans until the end and do not allow themselves to be confused by emotions. Capricorns usually have a hard shell, but also a soft core – they don't let everyone look at their cards straight away.

  • planet: Saturn
  • element: Earth
  • Strengthen: persistent, hardworking, reliable
  • weaknesses: narrow-minded, aloof, dogged

Aquarius zodiac sign (January 21st – February 19th)

Aquarians love to swim against the current and just do things differently. Aquarius women and Aquarius men therefore like to stand out and dare to take unconventional paths. On the one hand they strive for self-development, on the other hand they also think about the well-being of others and want to make the world a little better. Since the typical Aquarius is very freedom-loving, stable relationships and long-term professional ties are a bit difficult.

  • planet: Uranus
  • element: Air
  • Strengthen: inventive, unconventional, sociable
  • weaknesses: stubborn, shy of commitment, distant

Pisces zodiac sign (February 20th – March 20th)

Pisces women and Pisces men are known for their compassionate and understanding, sociable manners. They are social beings who like to exchange ideas and do not want to be alone. The typical fish are creative, dreamy and also very romantic. However, these watermarks find it extremely difficult to say no because they don't want to hurt anyone.

  • planet: Neptune
  • element: Water
  • Strengthen: creative, empathetic, selfless
  • weaknesses: impressionable, sentimental, oversensitive

Aries zodiac sign (March 21st – April 20th)

Here I come! Aries women and Aries men are little power packs that sweep others away with their stormy and enthusiastic manner. The typical Aries doesn't like to plan and act faster than they can think. Aries are reluctant to submit and insist on self-determination in life. Due to his direct, honest manner, the Aries can also appear a bit tactless to sensitive people.

  • planet: Mars
  • element: Fire
  • Strengthen: courageous, energetic, motivated
  • weaknesses: quick-tempered, self-centered, unpredictable

Zodiac sign Taurus (April 21st – May 20th)

A bull, a word! The typical Taurus is loyal and extremely reliable. His loved ones can rely on him in any situation. Taurus women and Taurus men are the connoisseurs among us who appreciate good food, delicious wine or nice trips. But it doesn't have to be expensive. Taurus tend to rely on the familiar – they tend to be critical of the new. These earth signs are also considered to be the most stubborn signs of the zodiac – they cannot be talked into and remain true to their point of view. Come what may!

  • planet: Venus
  • element: Earth
  • Strengthen: loyal, down-to-earth, reliable
  • weaknesses: stubborn, comfortable, intolerant

Gemini zodiac sign (May 21st – June 21st)

If someone is good at communication, it is the twins! Whether spoken or written: a Gemini knows exactly how to express itself. Due to his extremely sociable and open manner, Gemini women and Gemini men are welcome guests. They usually have quite a large circle of acquaintances and need to exchange ideas with others. But sometimes the typical twin can seem a bit volatile – his diverse interests make him keep interested in new topics.

  • planet: Mercury
  • element: Air
  • Strengthen: sociable, communicative, curious
  • weaknesses: indecisive, changeable, easily bored

Attention: The associated twin planet is Mercury. If this goes down, there can be some complications. Learn what retrograde Mercury means for Gemini and other signs of the zodiac.

Cancer zodiac sign (June 22nd – July 22nd)

The family-oriented Cancer loves to spend time with his closest confidante. His very soulful and empathic nature is not immediately visible to everyone: It can take a while for a cancer to gain confidence. But a cancer can also be very stubborn and then go its own way undeterred. If he is criticized, he quickly reacts offended.

  • planet: Moon
  • element: Water
  • Strengthen: sensitive, ambitious, fair
  • weaknesses: vulnerable, stubborn, moody

Leo zodiac sign (July 23rd – August 23rd)

Leo women or Leo men are the born leaders under the zodiac signs. They don't mind being the center of attention, taking responsibility and making decisions. A typical Leo wants to influence and not get lost in the crowd. Due to his calm and self-confident manner, a Leo quickly wins the trust and sympathy of other people.

  • planet: Sun
  • element: Fire
  • Strengthen: warm, kind, charismatic
  • weaknesses: proud, vain, quick-tempered

Virgo zodiac sign (August 24th – September 23rd)

Virgo women and Virgo men like to take care of themselves – be it about other people or very conscientiously about the tasks at work. Her accuracy and care are legendary, Virgos really pay attention to every detail. They love their home (which is always perfectly tidy) and feel most comfortable with fixed routines. But sometimes they can seem a bit inflexible because they like to stick to their traditions.

  • planet: Mercury
  • element: Earth
  • Strengthen: determined, thorough, caring
  • weaknesses: meticulous, perfectionist, reserved

Zodiac sign Libra (September 24th – October 23rd)

The typical Libra loves harmony, peace, and generally strives for the finer things in life. Libra women and Libra men have a particularly fine sense of aesthetics and creativity, they are always well dressed and love to go shopping. At the same time, however, they are also interested in knowledge and education in order to continuously develop themselves. It is easy to frighten Libra with conflicts and disputes – they are allergic to tactlessness.

  • planet: Venus
  • element: Air
  • Strengthen: diplomatic, open-minded, fair
  • weaknesses: pretentious, conflict-averse, changeable

Scorpio zodiac sign (October 24th – November 22nd)

Feeling and reason – the typical Scorpio combines both. Scorpio women and Scorpio men are considered to be profound beings who want to grasp life in depth and are not interested in superficialities. The typical Scorpio is very strong-willed and brings enormous ambition to achieve his goals. It is better not to hurt him – it is extremely difficult for Scorpio to forgive.

  • planet: Pluto
  • element: Water
  • Strengthen: intuitive, determined, strong-willed
  • weaknesses: jealous, resentful, critical

Sagittarius zodiac sign (November 24th – December 21st)

For a shooter, the glass is always half full. These cosmopolitan, travel-loving beings are the absolute optimists among us, who see an opportunity in every challenge. Sagittarius women and Sagittarius men are visionaries who always have new goals that they would like to achieve. Without something specific to work towards, a Sagittarius feels unbalanced. Sometimes these fire signs have developed so many ideas in parallel that it becomes difficult to implement.

  • planet: Jupiter
  • element: Fire
  • Strengthen: optimistic, brave, tolerant
  • weaknesses: restless, irritable, tactless

Do you also already know your Venus sign and / or your moon sign? You can also learn how to calculate your ascendant here.

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