A Bitcoin whale turns out to be a sardine: Raoul Pal would only have a single BTC

Tshut up at recess! Crypto-quarrels are the heyday of the social network Twitter where a few celebrities animate the debates under the greedy eyes of the whole world. After having imagined a bitcoin at more than a million dollars, Raoul Pal this time declared that he only had one left. Info or intox ?

A crypto influencer who wants you well

Who is Raoul Pal ? A former investment fund executive, millionaire entrepreneur and CEO of Real Vision. Buyer of his first bitcoins in 2013, he is part of the small closed world of influencers global cryptos.

The interested party distills – and sell – his wise advice on the traditional financial markets but also and above all on cryptos. Like many ecosystem veterans, he was initially a big bitcoin advocate. But he said in May 2021 that he had more ETH than BTC… and everything changed!

“So I started buying ETH and now I have more than BTC. (…) It is a choice dictated by reason and I make it public to help people make the right decisions (…). »

Raoul Pal on Twitter May 2, 2021

Following his statements, he found himself at the heart of a firefight with maximalists Bitcoin and in particular Greg Foss. The latter is the manager of a company specializing in energy solutions and he is very active on the networks.

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Twitter, that bitcoin freefight octagon

Greg Foss criticized Raoul Pal for being only a investor and to think only in terms of profits! They also exchanged a few bird names that decency forbids repeating but that you can read here. These attacks from the so-called Bitcoin community ended up infuriating Pal who responded to a final rant with these words:

“That’s the problem. I don’t share your philosophy and therefore you attack me? Truly ? This is exactly why I only own one bitcoin, the community has lost sight of its ideal of openness to all and you, sir, you reduce the efficiency of the network by marginalizing people who do not share your point of view “

Raoul Pal on Twitter on January 20

Hard to say if Pal was really sincere on his statement or if it is just another provocation. He presents himself as the victim of a wild pack of bitcoin fundamentalists and demands more respect and listening. As a veteran of social networks, this candor sudden still rings a little false. Moreover, some professionals claim that he continues to advise his clients to buy BTC…

In the right corner: “those who are there for techno”. In the left corner: “those who are there for the money”. This sterile ideological fight continues to fuel discussions in all corners of the crypto universe. Ideological posture or pragmatism, choose your side! In the meantime, Bitcoin continues to grow and some see a bright future for it.

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