A four-day week mission launched at the National Assembly

While Gabriel Attal asked his ministers “to experience the week in four dayswithout reduction in working time » in their administrations, deputies will explore the issues through a mission launched on Wednesday January 31 at the National Assembly. Objective of the work carried out by two rapporteurs, Paul Christophe (Horizons, majority) and Stéphane Viry (Les Républicains, opposition), who will present a report to the Social Affairs Committee at the end: evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of this mode of organization still experimental work.

“We give ourselves five to six months”told Agence France-Presse Mr. Christophe, who plans to hear representatives of employers’ and trade union organizations, business leaders who have experienced the four-day week, as well as sociologists and labor experts .

After the Covid crisis and the strengthening of teleworking, and with the emergence of new aspirations in the balance between private and professional lives, “we are at a societal turning point”estimated the MP.

Read also | Article reserved for our subscribers The hidden side of the four-day week

Well-being at work and productivity

From the point of view of employees, the mission will seek to evaluate the advantages of the four-day week in terms of ” well being at work “ or even “disappearance of part-time work experienced by women in certain companies”, he explained. And on the side of businesses and administrations, we will have to ask the question “how we do not degrade the expected public service” And “productivity and competitiveness” French companies.

Reduction in working hours, with or without loss of salary, or longer days to have one less working day: already tested on a large scale in several countries, such as the United Kingdom, the four-day week can take different forms very varied. In France, it is being tested by certain companies as well as communities.

During their day reserved for the Assembly, scheduled for February 29, the socialist deputies included on the agenda a bill to promote the four-day week for employees doing volunteer work.

Also read the survey: Article reserved for our subscribers The four-day week is making headway in France, between employee well-being and business attractiveness

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