a good surprise from January 2022 for new beneficiaries

The exceptional end-of-year bonus, more commonly known as Christmas bonus, was paid in mid-December to 2.3million households with modest incomes. Automatically paid to RSA, ASS or AER beneficiaries registered in November 2021, this bonus is the subject of a second round of payments in January, for those who started receiving their allowance in December.

To note! If you are beneficiary of one of these aids only from December, the Christmas bonus will be paid early January. Here is an important note for beneficiaries, slipped by CAF on his site. This second wave of transfers, dedicated to all new beneficiaries, is nothing new: CAF and MSA in particular already did so last year.

Whether this aid is paid by CAF, Ple Emploi or the MSA, the conditions are the same: be the beneficiary of the relevant allowances (ASS, ASS-F, AER, RSA, etc.) for the month of November or December 2021 , as explained Ple Emploi.

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The amount of the Christmas bonus is 152.45 euros in metropolitan France and the overseas departments, and 76.22 euros in Mayotte. This amount increases for CAF beneficiaries depending on the composition of the household.

Christmas bonus 2021
Which?How many?
For the RSA beneficiaries (premium paid by the CAF)
Isolated person152.45
2 persons
(couple without children or single parent with 1 child)
3 people
(single parent with 2 children or couple with 1 child)
4 people
(single parent with 3 children)
4 people
(couple with 2 children)
5 people
(single parent with 4 children)
5 people
(couple with 3 children)
6 persons
(single parent with 5 children)
6 persons
(couple with 4 children)
Per additional person+ 60.98
For the beneficiaries ASS Where AER (premium paid by Ple Emploi)
For all (single amount)152.45

As a reminder, as the Minister of Solidarity and Health underlines in his press release issued on December 7, these same audiences will also benefit from the inflation compensation of 100 euros, paid in a phased manner from December 2021 to February 2022 less than 2000 euros net per month.

Inflation premium: the payment schedule of 100 euros

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