a great alternative to Phasmophobia?

What is Phasmophobia? To put it in context, it’s an atypical game that allows us to play a very modern ghost hunter with all the equipment that goes with it (sensors, camera, etc.). It is the benchmark in the field and since its release, many video game productions have attempted to reproduce the feat. Remnant Records is precisely in this category, with a similar concept, but is it successful? Can he rise to the height of the master?

Remnant Records offers a gourmet menu based on vengeful spirits, paranormal investigations, and above all, beautiful moments of fear to experience alone or with friends. An initial premise which greatly resembles that of Phasmophobia, but which will still attempt to move away from it thanks to the use of different mechanisms. Does it manage to get rid of the comparison with the Kinetic Games title? Let’s see.

Spirit, are you there?

Remnant Records therefore puts us in the shoes of several people having to solve investigations placed under the sign of the paranormal. Once you get started, the goal is relatively simple. You have to explore haunted places from top to bottom looking for clues as to how the occupant died. Then, the player must gather objects scattered around the house that could have a link with the victim. They must be gathered at a very specific place, to perform an exorcism on the ghost who cannot leave the world of the living.

If we have the wrong object, the game lets us know via a candle that changes color. It is then necessary to start the search again, taking care to retrace the last days of the deceased person. Conversely, if it works, there remains one step to accomplish: sending the specter back to the beyond. Of course, the investigation is not easy, since the entity in question wanders around. We must then find a way to avoid it while continuing the research.

The concept is therefore simple, but effective, and you quickly understand why we make the link with Phasmophobia. However, the investigations here sometimes struggle to be exhilarating. We don’t have many objects at our disposal, apart from the basic ones the character has, and the structure is really repetitive. We quickly tour the places visited, and it lacks a little variety in terms of the spirits encountered.

In fact, we are dealing with 6 different types of ghosts, with unique appearances. Each of them has special characteristics, making progression more or less difficult. For once, they are successful, and it’s really interesting to learn about their abilities, the best way to escape their clutches. Likewise, when performing an exorcism, each spirit must be cast out in a certain way. And it must be admitted, it is often ingenious, notably with the use of new game mechanics.

remnant records test

Unfortunately, for most of them, we understand quite quickly what to do. Consequently, after around ten games (barely), weariness begins to be felt. This is not helped by the fact that there are some rather annoying bugs, which can ruin an investigation, or even the immersion altogether. And in a horror game, that’s problematic. Hence the interest in inviting friends to take part in the adventure, because the more the merrier, the more we laugh while forgetting technical problems!

Is two better? And why not at 4?

One of the big selling points of Remnant Records is truly its multiplayer mode. You have the opportunity to carry out the investigation with up to 4 players, and it is very well thought out. For good reason, there are 4 different characters to choose from before leaving on a mission: the medium, the fortune teller, the electrician and the bodyguard. They all have their specificities. For example, the medium can speak with players who have died or observe the ghost by closing their eyes. For his part, the bodyguard can break down doors and survive longer than the others. It’s up to you to establish the best strategy based on this beautiful casting.

Each protagonist also has a sort of skill tree into which abilities can be inserted. Initially, you cannot unlock anything, and it is only by completing contracts (the missions to accomplish) that it is possible to evolve. You gain levels, and then buy improvements of all kinds. It could be life increases or even an additional ability. It is even possible to pay for clues about the ghosts in the game, to better understand their behavior. We are therefore really encouraged to progress via this system which reserves its share of surprises depending on the character embodied.


In addition, being with others allows you to feel less like you are doing the same thing all the time. Indeed, above, we talked about ghosts, but the research itself ends up becoming very boring. Concretely, the best clue you can get about the objects to find will be pages to read. Remnant Records barely embraces the principle of environmental storytelling, and that has a major consequence. We no longer take the time to explore the house, we just hunt down the notes and find the trinkets that match. On rare occasions you have to be observant, but overall it’s far from subtle. It’s a bit of a shame, and it takes away some of the challenge.

Afterwards, you can still choose difficulty levels for the missions. That said, it’s not necessarily much fun to tackle more difficult investigations. Most of the time, it’s just more complicated to find the right items for the exorcism, and that’s it. And hey, it’s a much easier process when there are 4 of you. The only real fault of multiplayer is that it perhaps kills the immersion a little. Yes, despite the local voice chat, as soon as you have your friends with you, you feel more confident. So, if you prefer to play solo, know that you will not be disappointed.

remnant records test
The notebook, a very useful tool during the investigation

Overwhelming Vibe in Remnant Records Solo

The horror of Remnant Records shines brightly when playing alone in the darkness. The atmosphere becomes overwhelming. We haven’t specified it yet, but in the houses we visit, there are circuit breakers. These can go out at any time, plunging us into total darkness. You then have to reactivate them manually, which is not too scary in multiplayer. Solo is a different story. We’re expecting the bombs to blow at any moment, with no one there to help us.

This is even more true when you take your first steps in the adventure. We don’t know what to do, darkness surrounds us, and we constantly hear noise around us. Maybe a little too much. The sound design tends to go crazy all the time for no good reason. Eventually it gets annoying, but at first it will give you goosebumps. Regardless, discovering the concept of Remnant Records is truly frightening. We therefore invite you to first attempt a solo expedition before tackling multiplayer.

remnant records test

The single player mode also allows you to forget some of Remnant Records’ flaws. We especially think of the environments we travel through, which are sometimes… empty, or at least, which give the impression of being artificial. We don’t pay much attention to it without anyone by our side, because we are more busy being afraid that an entity will fall on us out of nowhere. To make matters worse (in a good way), proximity voice chat is also used, because the spirits can hear you breathe or scream. It’s not just for multiplayer.

Of course, the investigations will only be harder, but that’s also the whole point of playing alone. Trust us, in this configuration, you will be careful to turn on all the lights. Without the support of friends, we quickly feel helpless and are constantly on the lookout. You have the choice: the stress of seeing your companions perish one by one until you are the last one standing, or the fact of only being able to count on yourself. Either way, you’ll have fun.

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