“A handful of idiots”: Eric Zemmour condemns the controversial video of his supporters simulating shootings

“You are neither one of my supporters, nor of my activists, and even less of my friends.” Wednesday in a press release, Eric Zemmour condemned the two individuals claiming to be his supporters who staged themselves in videos in which they train shooting and imagine targeting Emmanuel Macron and the rebellious elected Alexis Corbière and Raquel Garrido. “I condemn in advance everything you do in my name during my campaign. I do not want your support or your help.”, wrote the presidential candidate.

The videos, revealed on Twitter by the Young Guard, an anti-fascist group, and by Mediapart, show a man wearing a cap “Well then”, a tic of language from Eric Zemmour erected as a slogan by his fans, to practice with a sniper rifle. “Well let’s see friends, who are we going to break out there? The young gaucho, the young communist, the young mental boon”, laughs the young man, before firing with a big caliber. Rifle in play, he then mimics surprise – “Ah, Emmanuel Macron!” – and fires a second shot.

In another video filmed in the same place, another young man targets the ex-spokesman of France Insoumise Raquel Garrido. Rifle in hand, he explains “train to hunt wild Garrido” before firing and then firing a second time, evoking her husband, the LFI deputy Alexis Corbière.

In his press release, Eric Zemmour is indignant at a “pitiful spectacle” committed by “a miserable handful” of“idiots”, drawing a parallel with the “hooligans”, Who “do not go to the stadium for the beauty of the game, but for the violence”.

An investigation was opened by the National Pole against online hatred (PNLH), for “death threats and incitement to racial hatred,” said the Paris prosecutor’s office.

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