A heavy penalty awaits you if you throw this waste in the trash (you have probably already done so)

The management of waste by citizens is subject to certain very strict rules, and throwing certain objects in the trash is not allowed under penalty of being subject to a fine. Are you well aware of your rights and obligations?

In a recent report published by the government on the occasion of International Zero Waste Day – March 30, 2024 – we learned that the French had managed to significantly reduce their litter in just a decade. Behaviors are changing, it’s undeniable! “In 2020, the country produced 309 million tonnes of wasteor 46 million tonnes less than in 2010″we specify, before emphasizing that it is in the building sector that we generated the majority of this waste (213 million tonnes), then in that which we define as “other economic activities and communities” (64 million tonnes), and within households, to the tune of 34 million tonnes.

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At the same time, it is explained that recycling sectors continue to develop, particularly at the municipal level, and approximately half of waste is recycled by 2024. But this would not be possible without the sorting that those administered must carry out. The municipalities ask them to separate the waste according to its origin, its composition and its state of degradation. It is for this reason that we decided to give colors to the garbage bags and containers to separate them more easily.

Fines ranging from 35 to 75 euros

Moreover, regulations are evolving regarding bio waste which must now be placed in a separate bin. We are talking here about vegetable peelings, for example, and food waste should no longer be put in a trash can but in a composteras stipulated by the government on its official website. Concerning the cardboard boxes, depending on their state of health, they must be placed in the yellow bins (if they are clean) or in the trash (traces of grease or paint, etc.). We cannot recall that all plastic packaging They must be thrown into the yellow trash and glasses away, in a dedicated bin, for recycling as well.

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Other situations may raise questions for you. And you would be absolutely right to be concerned because making a mistake can lead you to receive a more or less heavy penalty. Indeed, with regard to the pharmaceutical waste and the leftover medication, it is essential to return them to the pharmacy which takes care of their recycling. Even if the expiration date written on the box has passed! Otherwise, you risk a fine of 35 euros. Same story when it comes to electronic appliances and their accessories. These must be dropped off at one of the many recycling collection points. Otherwise you expose yourself to a fine of 35 euros likely to pass to 75 euros if you do not pay it within 45 days of noticing the infraction.

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The good idea of ​​the worm composter

The government nevertheless encourages the French to favor the repair of an electronic object rather than replacing it. “This saves money, but also reduces the consumption of natural resources, greenhouse gas emissions and waste production”we stipulate on the official site. It is with this in mind that the State created the repair bonus. It’s a “financing device which allows you to reduce the repair bill for many electrical and electronic products” such as vacuum cleaner, washing machine, dishwasher, refrigerator, television, computer or smartphone to name a few. You can benefit from this by going to a repairer labeled “Qualirépar”.

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Furthermore, to help in the treatment of organic waste on a local scale, several municipalities encourage citizens to opt for worm composter, very popular currently, by offering reimbursement of part of the costs linked to its purchase. This is the case in the city of Nantes. Ask your town hall or local authority for more information.


If writing is a pleasure, being read is even more so. Passionate about pop culture, Jonathan sets the pace in the right tone to always keep you well informed. Attracted by …

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