a hot summer for Cancer!

Find out your horoscope for August 2020. The planet Venus will abandon the sign of Gemini to come in the sign of Cancer, bringing great luck in love to all water signs.

Aries horoscope for August 2020 (March 21 – April 20)

Dear Aries, your August is going to be a bit troubled from the point of view of your feelings. After a very long stay in Gemini, Venus now enters the sign of Cancer: this transit is disadvantageous for your sign, it risks bringing tension between you and your partner. On the contrary, on the work side, it is a real period of grace. From the 6th day, the planet Mercury will give you plenty of strength: new contacts and projects that come to fruition heralding a back to school full of surprises. Your health and physical strength will be assured with Mars in conjunction!

Taurus horoscope for August 2020 (April 21 – May 21)

Dear Taurus, are you ready for a passionate August? From the 8th day, the planet Venus accompanies you by providing you with many and beautiful emotions. For singles, there could be meetings that would last well beyond the summer … From a professional point of view, summer break requires, you will take advantage of the first 3 weeks of the month to recharge the batteries and take good time with the family. If you work during this period, some friction with your colleagues could occur. Round off the angles and tap on the caring people. Don't worry, by the end of the month things will work out: with Jupiter and Saturn by your side, success will be lasting!

Gemini August 2020 horoscope (May 22 – June 21)

Dear Gemini, this month, and that from the 8th day, the planet Venus will abandon your sign after a long stay. At this point, you should definitely see more clearly about your feelings. You know what you want, all you have to do is take action. You will prove it in August, showing a maturity that will surprise even your partner! Mercury will be with you until the 21st day. This planet will help you form new relationships, both emotional and professional, while Mars will energize your summer days.

Cancer Horoscope (June 22 – July 22): welcome, Venus!

Dear Cancer, the month of August will be dominated from the 8th by love, thanks to Venus who will shine in your sign, giving you a month full of ardor! Couples who have been together for a long time will get a new boost and plan for the future, while singles might find dating that is meant to last. Mercury, in conjunction until the 6th day, will return to spoil you from the 21st day, bringing you new opportunities and good news. Unfortunately, Mars in a bad position will limit your energy. You risk being severely exhausted, recharge your batteries by practicing a relaxing activity such as yoga for example.

Leo's horoscope for August 2020 (July 23 – August 22)

Dear Leo, the month of August will be characterized by the entry of Mercury into your sign: from the 8th day, this planet will give you a boost in your personal relationships, making you truly irresistible! You will be able to exploit this ability both emotionally and professionally. In addition, Mars boosts your pugnacity. Nothing can resist you. It will be a summer full of energy, to make up for a rather complicated start to the year.

Virgo August 2020 horoscope (August 23 – September 22)

Dear Virgo, finally the month of August which will allow you to bring back a little serenity in your love life! After months spent with Venus in an unfavorable position for your sign, starting on the 8th day of this month, the planet of love will come back to your side and help you sort out the outstanding issues with your partner. Single, this summer month could put in your path the love, the great, the real, the one you've been waiting for a long time. From the 21st day, great satisfactions will arrive, including in the professional field. Mercury in conjunction will give you the opportunities you have been looking for, while Jupiter will ensure your long term success.

Libra Horoscope (September 23 – October 22): Treat yourself to a little relaxation!

Dear Libra, unfortunately your month of August will not be easy for you in terms of your feelings: from the 8th day, the planet Venus will enter the sign of Cancer, tensions and quarrels may arise in your married life. . It will be difficult for singles to meet people that go beyond simple summer flirtation … March in opposition: you will be quite tired and stressed … But luckily there may be good opportunities at work in the first part of the month. For the rest, treat yourself to a little relaxation!

Scorpio's August 2020 horoscope (October 23 – November 22): a hot month!

Dear Scorpio, a month full of passion awaits you: from the 8th day, you can count on a beautiful Venus in Cancer, ready to awaken in you the desire to love! Whether it's a summer flirtation or a story that is meant to last, it doesn't really matter: satisfaction is sure to be sure to be in this hot August. Be careful, however, not to make risky choices in the field of work, at least until the 21st day: something may not go as you had planned …

Sagittarius August 2020 horoscope (November 23 – December 21): a sigh of relief!

Dear Sagittarius, you can finally be relieved: from the 8th day, after long months of torture, Venus will no longer be in opposition to your sign! You can now regain some peace of mind. The couples who have managed to resist this long opposite transit will be stronger than ever. If, on the other hand, you are single again, there is certainly no shortage of interesting dates, especially in the first half of the month. Auspicious Mars, will give you the energy and strength you need to move forward!

Astrological signs: what to expect if you live with a …

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Capricorn horoscope for August 2020 (December 22 – January 20): Venus opposite …

Dear Capricorn, unfortunately the month of August does not bring good news for your little heart … From the 8th day, the planet Venus will enter into opposition to your sign! It will be rather tense weeks between you and your partner, where the risk of quarrels will be the order of the day … But there is also good news, and it concerns the professional field: from the 6th day, the planet Mercury will no longer be in opposition to your sign and from the 21st day it will return to actively promote you: a second semester full of success awaits you!

Aquarius horoscope for August 2020 (January 21 – February 18): be patient …

Dear Aquarius, the month of August for your sign may be a little flat from a sentimental point of view … After a month of July full of butterflies in the belly, you will no longer have such important emotions and you may feel a little confused. And as bad news never comes alone: ​​from day 6, the planet Mercury will enter into opposition to your sign, which may create even more communication difficulties, both at home and at work. Mars in Aries may also force you to stay awake often …. Be patient: from the 21st day, the situation will improve markedly!

Pisces horoscope for August 2020 (February 19 – March 20): a summer of love!

Dear Pisces, great news for your sign, which will live a month of August full of passion! A relief for you, after several months, the planet Venus will come back to you smiling from the 8th day, offering you a month of August full of emotions and meetings, especially the first fortnight. Unfortunately from the 21st day, the planet Mercury will come into opposition: misunderstandings could arise, especially in the field of work, but nothing that could not remain unresolved!