A memorial for the 111 victims of feminicides in 2020 (photos)

In 2020, 111 women died in France because they were women. So that they are not forgotten, a collective has created a memorial for them in Paris.

Pascaline, Yasemin, Valérie, Anne-Sophie, Dina, Aissatou, Andrée … In 2020, 111 women were victims of feminicides in France. They were murdered because they were women. So that they are not forgotten and to obtain more measures from the government, about sixty activists from the Collages Féminicides Paris collective gathered in the 11th arrondissement of the capital to create a memorial for them, AFP reports.

In a covered passage so that the collages are protected from bad weather, the activists stuck these 111 first names written in black. "In 2020, the patriarchy still kills: 98 marital feminicides, 11 sex workers and 2 transgender people killed. And how many forgotten victims?" do we read an inscription in front of their names. "The goal was really to force the State and society to open their eyes to these murders. And also to recall that, today, the actions of the State, and in particular the Grenelle, have not had that ineffective or at least not sufficient solutions ", explains Clara, a splicer, with the Du Pain et des Roses collective.

While reports of domestic violence increased by 40% in the first confinement and 60% in the second, the collective also posted slogans like "More listened to dead than alive", "Reforms before we died", and "Guilty state, complicit justice". Activists, like Camille, believe that "the government is not doing enough" against violence against women and feminicides. At AFP, she indicates that Collages Feminicides Paris asks "money, resources for associations" and the acceleration of the deployment of anti-reconciliation bracelets.

The testimony of a survivor of an attempted feminicide

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Video by Clemence Chevallet

Read also: Domestic violence: 60% more reports during the second confinement

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Melody Capronnier

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