a new contract of trust

“The company remains a benchmark of confidence, a safe haven”, notes Nicolas Narcisse, vice-president of the Havas Paris communication agency, commenting on the study “Employees and companies: towards a new contract of trust”, conducted by Havas Paris People and published on 1er September. ” This is a bit counter-intuitive, he recognizes, but while we could fear a fracture, the health crisis seems on the contrary to have strengthened the link between employees and their company. They felt protected and supported, while enjoying greater individual freedom. ”

“The crisis has revealed more than induced the importance of this theme, Explain Fabien Blanchot, university professor and co-director of the Confidence and Management Chair at Paris-Dauphine University. Teleworking has not been accompanied by a drop in productivity. There were no drifts. Companies have observed that employees are worthy of trust, and the more they are trusted, the more they will show themselves to be worthy. It is a virtuous circle. ”

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The subject is also on the agenda for the unions. An Observatory of Business Confidence (OCE) was thus launched on September 10 by two unions: UNSA Orange, which considers the issue “Priority”, and the CFDT Orange.

The containment click

The click took place during confinement. “We have lived through a period of great uncertainty. the teleworking presupposed autonomy which, itself, implied trust “, recount Pierre Vars, secretary general of UNSA Orange. “Our goal is not to measure trust, specifies Jean-Michel Camin, research engineer within the group and president of the Observatory, but to know how employees understand the different dimensions: the relationship to the brand, to the organization of work, to management, to staff representatives, etc. Trust is multidimensional and evolving. “

The Observatory is intended as a tool for dialogue. ” We want carry out collective work with other unions and other companies, explains Pierre Vars. These exchanges will allow us to better understand the sources of trust and thus to act. “ A first questionnaire of twenty-five questions should be sent to Orange employees by the end of October. The approach is intended to complement the tools put in place by the departments, for example social climate barometers, satisfaction and commitment surveys, etc.

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