a new federal investigation opened against Jair Bolsonaro

Legal troubles are piling up for Jair Bolsonaro. A judge of the Supreme Federal Court (STF) of Brazil ordered, Friday, December 3, the opening of another investigation against the Brazilian president for having disseminated false information in a video linking the anti-Covid vaccine to the AIDS disease.

The decision of Judge Alexandre de Moraes, a member of the highest instance of the Brazilian judiciary, responds to a request by the Senate commission which in October accused the head of state of having committed serious crimes during the pandemic. This new investigation is in addition to five other investigations opened against Mr. Bolsonaro, so far without result.

At issue this time, a video in which the far-right president quotes supposedly official reports from the British government which “Suggest” that people fully vaccinated against the coronavirus develop AIDS disease “Much faster than expected”.

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“Slander” and “incitement to crime”

This information was denied by the British government to the fact-checking service of Agence France-Presse and by the Brazilian Society of Infectious Diseases, among other medical organizations.

The video was taken from Facebook, Instagram and YouTube. The video platform also decided to suspend Mr. Bolsonaro’s channel for a week.

In August, the STF decided to open an investigation against Jair Bolsonaro for the crimes of “Slander” and D’“Incitement to crime” in a case related to the questioning of the Brazilian electronic voting system.

The president is also the subject of other investigations aimed at determining whether he interfered, in cases concerning members of his family, with the federal police or for having disseminated on social networks a police report, under seal. , concerning an alleged attack on the electoral system.

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The World with AFP

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