a new leak that clearly sells dreams

The Resident Evil franchise still seems to have a bright future ahead of it with what we have just learned via a huge leak. Prepare for several new projects.

We can say that the Resident Evil franchise is doing pretty well. In recent years, the pace has accelerated, and we have been able to take advantage of some great new features. This “renewal” for the game series took place in 2017 with RE7 which put us in the shoes of a new protagonist: Ethan Winters. His adventures ended with Village, but that did not mark the end of the license. The remake of 4 has seen the light of day, and a ninth opus is in the works. And you know what ? That’s not all. Clearly, Capcom has big plans in mind for this saga. You’ll see, it’s dizzying.

Five Resident Evil games reportedly in development

In truth, we didn’t really expect to see Resident Evil move on any time soon. For the studio, it’s a good vein that can still be exploited. Survival horror continues to attract a good number of players, as RE4 Remake proved with its 3 million copies sold in just two days. So obviously, Capcom is not going to leave fans aside, and intends to offer them other adventures in this universe. How much exactly? Well, obviously, we’re going to have 5 to sink our teeth into.

Yes, that’s a lot of projects in development. In any case, this is what Dusk Golem (or AestheticGamer), a leaker well known to the RE community, and more generally to fans of horror games, reports. As for his CV, he often hits the mark when he talks about this franchise. We won’t go so far as to say that we can trust him completely, but it’s always interesting to listen to him, when in doubt. Anyway, on The Snitch’s discord, our man declared that the company has 5 Resident Evil titles in the works.

Already, according to the insider, they are not all at an advanced stage in production. One of them looks very promising, but we shouldn’t expect it before the end of 2026-beginning of 2027 (just that). Of course, in the lot, we find Resident Evil 9 which is still being put together. As for its release date, it would be scheduled for 2025, knowing that we would be entitled to an announcement this year. Well, there is no need to remind you that you have to take all of this with a grain of salt. However, it is clear that Capcom seems to have big surprises in store for us.

Other remakes on the way?

If we remove Resident Evil 9 from the equation, the studio is surely working on creating other remakes. Given the success of the latest one, this is hardly surprising. But be careful, we are not basing this on nothing. Indeed, last December, Yoshiaki Hirabayashi, producer and veteran of the famous franchise, made a rather interesting statement. He said the company intends to develop even more remakes. The question now is who is affected, and if hope will be able to be reborn?

For fans, two Resident Evils are likely to appear there: 5 and Code Veronica. They are highly anticipated, and some players dream of being able to get their hands on them. Will their dreams be shattered? Once again, we are in the realm of rumor, but it helps to make us salivate a little. As for the 9th, which has been confirmed, we do not have much information to communicate. Last year, Dusk Golem explained that the game required the largest budget ever deployed for a game in the series. It would even be the greatest RE of all time. We can’t wait to find out more.

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