a position for intense and passionate sex

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If you like sporty sexual positions: count on the vine to make you exceed the peaks of your pleasure! Intense penetration and perfect stimulation of the clitoris, we explain everything to you.

In making love there are those who prefer the cuddly comfort of a missionary orone of its spicier variants… and then there are those who like to take on almost sporting challenges. In any case, if the Kamasutra was played at the Olympics, the position of the vine might be part of the flexibility tests! Admittedly, you will need certain prerequisites to put this posture into practice, but if you manage to do so, you will not be disappointed: deep penetration, and optimal stimulation of the clitoris by rubbing, this position is intense and passionate. So if you want to take the plunge, we explain how to hang on to the vine!

To do it, you don’t need a bed, you can do it anywhere: and for good reason, you’ll be standing up throughout your antics. Before you start, try to do some stretches to avoid straining. Stand face to face with each other. The person who is going to be penetrated will then place his leg on the shoulder of his or her partner (you will understand the need for flexibility). She can then cling to his neck to maintain herself, while her lover or mistress maintains her buttocks with her hands. A position to practice only if you are really sure of your physical abilities, but which could really be worth the detour!

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A less sporty alternative for intense sensations: the anvil position

If you crave intense and passionate penetration… but not quite the physical condition for the creeper position, there are alternatives. Like for example the anvil position. A variant of the missionary with a very spicy twist, which will require flexibility, but which will be more relaxing than the vine! Lying on a bed, the person who is going to be penetrated lies on his back, legs up at the level of the partner’s neck. The partner in question is therefore on top, with her legs stretched out for a torrid part of the legs in the air.

Society/Sex/Psycho Journalist

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