“A presidency with Marine Le Pen would be an economic, social and environmental disaster”

Grandstand A victory for Marine Le Pen on April 24 is possible. A large number of voters consider that Ms. Le Pen’s program is not extreme right, and even bears economic and social progress. What is it really ?

Young economists from various currents of thought, the signatories of this forum voted for various candidates in the first round and, like the French as a whole, do not all pass the same judgment on the economic results of the five-year period which is ending.

But all agree on the major dangers that a victory for Marine Le Pen would represent, for the country in general and for social justice and ecological transition in particular. On the economic level, the fiscal policy of Mme Le Pen would aggravate inequalities. Between French people and foreigners, first of all, who would be systematically discriminated against in the name of “national priority”new name of the “national preference” dear to Jean-Marie Le Pen. For example, family allowances would be reserved only for the French in order to promote a so-called birth rate policy. “French”.

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The policy of the National Rally would also accentuate the inequalities between the French themselves, to the detriment of the most modest. Because contrary to what she would have us believe, the program of Mme Le Pen is not that of the popular classes against the bourgeoisie. The Rassemblement national candidate proposes the abolition of income tax – the cornerstone of tax progressivity – for everyone under 30: a boon for the richest, who would come out big winners from this reform, young people from popular classes already paying no income tax.

Capital flight and rising cost of debt

She also proposes to abolish the tax on real estate wealth, again a gift to the wealthiest. Finally, the candidate of the National Rally proposes to exempt real estate inheritances up to 300,000 euros every ten years, even though 50% of French people will inherit less than 70,000 euros throughout their lives! Impossible to see in this fiscal policy a progress towards economic justice.

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The M programme Le Pen is an NSF cheque. The overall philosophy is that of a general reduction in taxes, from VAT on fuel to production taxes, including employers’ contributions. This policy would leave a gaping hole in the financing of public and social budgets, in the order of 100 billion euros per year. With the risk of weakening the French model of social protection, causing capital flight and an increase in the cost of debt.

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