a quack at Spirica on the coupons of several SCPIs

The payment of coupons for several SCPIs offered on Spirica contracts was 17 days late. A situation affecting all of the insurer’s partner brokers. MoneyVox reveals the details of this unprecedented situation.

It’s painful! We don’t want customers to think we’re not paying them what we owe them. At the beginning of May, annoyance was the order of the day among brokers offering Spirica products. Solicited by their customers, they realized that the quarterly payments of at least 3 SCPIs, including Epargne Pierre and Primopierre, were late. And this, for all contracts: BforBank, Linxea, Meilleurtaux… This is unheard of: usually, these coupons would have been settled at the end of April. Several savers very quickly expressed their dissatisfaction with their broker.

How did the machine jam? The vagueness reigned for several days. According to our information, the insurer initially informed its partners by email that the SCPI management companies were experiencing a excessively late payment. Explanations were demanded, and Daniel Collignon, managing director of the Crédit Agricole subsidiary, took the problem personally.

very weird

The argument surprised: if the management companies were late, why all the insurers are not concerned? Swiss or Suravenir customers received their coupons on time. Moreover, it is hard to imagine institutions like Primonial and BNP Paribas REIM, managers of Primopierre, in default of payment! Finally, a delay on several SCPIs at the same timeit is for experts very weird…

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The resellers then checked the riders to the contracts and realized that the subject was approached in a vague way: The payment of the income distributed by the supports on the contract is made in the weeks following the end of the quarter, after communication by the companies Management. Do not set a deadline, this allows the insurer to never find yourself contractually in default! But that does not mean that a delay of several weeks is a normal situation, comments one of our contacts.

Administrative concern

As the hours passed, the brokers came up with another explanation: the rents were paid, but Spirica met a bug in its information system. The intuition turned out to be correct: on the day of May 17, the insurer acknowledged, half-heartedly, an administrative problem! And in the evening, the Sylvea customer platform, giving access to the situation of the Spirica contracts, displayed the coupons with value dates at the end of April. In short: the problem was solved.

Despite everything, the situation arrives at a not very opportune moment, when the stone-paper market is experiencing a slowdown. This should not contribute to degrading its image, analyzes a specialist in the subject. Which guarantees that from now on, we will have to be more vigilant: But if we have to check that 100% of the supports are paying what they promised, we can’t get out of it. We need to trust! Because behind it, it is the confidence of savers that is at stake.

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