“A real disappointment”, “A flop”, “What a shame” … Internet users disappointed by Un gar, une fille (plural)

TF1 broadcast last night “A guy, a girl (in the plural)”, a special anniversary program which saw a host of celebrities take up iconic sketches of “A guy, a girl”. A new version that did not convince internet users…

Nostalgia was there last night on TF1! The channel has indeed broadcast this Monday, August 28, the first bonus of A guy, a girl (in the plural) to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the famous humorous pastille.

Two exceptional evenings which unfortunately took place without Alexandra Lamy and Jean Dujardin, the two actors having declined the production’s proposal to return to resume, for the time of a few sketches, their roles of Chouchou and Loulou.

It is therefore no less than 36 actors, or 18 new couples, who have had the difficult task of trying to make us forget the original duo of A guy, a girl. Animators, actors and even singers have succeeded in bringing the most emblematic sketches of the series originally broadcast on France 2 to life.

Inès Reg, Stéphane Bern, Virginie Ledoyen, Arié Elmaleh, JoeyStarr, Julie de Bona and the others therefore became the iconic Chouchou and Loulou for two evenings. These new performers unfortunately failed to convince TF1 viewers, who expressed their dissatisfaction on social networks.

No one can dethrone Jean Dujardin and Alexandra Lamy”, “A real disappointment”, “I lost my evening”, “What a shame this birthday” thus wrote Internet users on X (the new name of Twitter).

If a large majority of viewers criticized this new version of A guy, a girl, some still had a good evening in front of their television screen.

Subdued audiences

If TF1 bet a lot on the return of A guy, a girl, the first evening of broadcast unfortunately did not have the expected success. The channel indeed came second in the hearings on Monday August 28, behind M6 and L’amour est dans le pré.

According to Médiamétrie, only 3.32 million viewers gathered in front of their television screen to discover the new versions of the sketches of Chouchou and Loulou. That is 15.8% of the public aged four and over and 26.9% of women responsible for purchases aged under 50.

Find the second bonus A guy, a girl (in the plural) on Monday September 4 from 9:10 p.m. on TF1.

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