a sex position derived from doggy style

Do you know the Speed ​​Bump? If the doggy style always prances in the top of the favorite positions of the French, this variation is quite interesting enough to reach orgasm. Combining comfort and an ideal angle allows you to stimulate the G-spot, it is perhaps THE sexual position that will make you climb the curtains.

The Speed ​​Bump (also called the speed bump or the speed bump in French, even if it has no relation to a car) is one of those sexual positions that you may have been practicing for years without actually know the name. After all, you don’t need to be expert in kamasutra when it comes to having fun! But if you are wondering, we’re here to shed some light on you.

Despite its name which sounds like heavy exercise, the Speed ​​Bump is quite simply a variation on the sacred doggy style, which everyone knows (and adores!). This is a position where the person penetrated lies on the stomach, the pelvis raised by a cushion, to allow a deeper penetration and targeted on the pleasure. An image that makes you want, right?

Speed ​​Bump: doggy style but better?

The doggy style is one of those positions that have many derivatives, which work on a common pattern, since everything begins in this configuration well known to the general public: on all fours. To switch to the Speed ​​Bump, the person penetrated then only has to slide onto their stomach, while having taken care to place a cushion or a pillow under their pelvis in order to raise it. The body thus forms a sort of speed bump (the translation of speed bump in English, even if the French version is much less sexy), with the hips raised like a speed bump.

For his part, the person in charge of the penetration is placed either between the legs, or astride the buttocks of his or her partner. Straightened or fully elongated, the latter can thus manage the speed and depth of penetration, two essential factors for a rise to orgasm. Significant bonus of this variant? The face of the person above can easily reach the back of his lover’s neck to kiss this erogenous zone, thus bringing back a touch of tenderness that is sorely lacking in some more… fiery ways of making love.

Fancy something a little more intense? In this “speed bump” position, the person entering can also lean on the kidneys of his or her partner. The objective: to accentuate the arch, both for the aesthetic aspect and to promote the arrival of orgasm. But beware of back pain: too much pressure can trigger a hell of a back pain

Sensations synonymous with pleasures

In Speed ​​Bump, the two partners are placed on top of each other, but above all: against each other. There is a maximum of skin-to-skin contact. This very reassuring sensation of feeling the body of the other on you boosts well-being and gives free rein to a great letting go. And this, from a physical point of view (since everyone is relaxed), as well as psychological, thanks to this cocoon effect induced by the contact of the body of the other.

However, it is possible to increase even more the sensations that arise from this way of making love, and this easily. How? ‘Or’ What ? By contracting your thighs and letting your accomplice slip between your legs: a great way to stimulate the pelvic muscles and therefore give your orgasms even more power. Another tip? Do not hesitate to come and slide a sextoy to stimulate the clitoris during penetration. These small sex toys and sexy, favorites of a large number of French women, allow stimulation at multiple levels, and therefore a more complete but also faster enjoyment. Finally, don’t forget to communicate with your partner so that your rhythms complement each other during your erotic games. Being in tune with each other and not always betting on speed are ingredients synonymous with satisfaction in the quest for the sexual holy grail: simultaneous orgasm.

Dare anal in Speed ​​Bump

Originally, the Speed ​​Bump is a position of vaginal penetration, within the framework of a heterosexual relationship. But that doesn’t mean you have to settle for one way to get it right. Since this is penetration “from behind”, it is just as suitable for anal penetration, for gay couples as for straight couples who appreciate this kind of pleasure which is still taboo in our society. After all, such beautiful images of a back drop, it is a beautiful invitation to test sodomy gently and without pain. The comfort provided by this way of making love is indeed ideal for acclimating to the sensation of anal penetration without your partner getting tired. All while allowing your buttocks to “cushion” the penetration to better manage the depth without cutting back on the excitement. In addition, the angle of the pelvis induced by the cushion placed under the hips relaxes the pelvic floor and facilitates penetration, with a toy, fingers or a penis.

No need to draw pictures: the Speed ​​Bump is, in general, much more comfortable than many positions: it requires less endurance and physical strength to keep its weight balanced on both arms than its big sister on all fours. It is therefore ideal for taking your time and focusing on new sensations. Besides, if you’re still a little shy about anal, turning your back on your partner will be less impressive.

The quintessential kinky position

The Speed ​​Bump is a sexual position that leaves the door open to the exploration of new sensations. It can facilitate certain more daring practices, which are rarely mentioned in society, even venturing into the field of BDSM. Submission games can be a great way to reclaim your body and build trust in your lover.

Why not enjoy a position where your partner sees you from behind enjoying some spanking, for example? In the same vein, it will be easy to have your hands tied behind your back (the opportunity to test the shibari?) Or to have your hair grabbed. Or, dare to use harsh words. Indeed, if your spouse lies entirely on you, your faces will be close to each other, so he will be able to whisper naughty words in your ear and savor your enjoyment.

Deep penetration, yes, but not painful

The deep penetration that the Speed ​​Bump allows can be pleasurable. But be careful, however, if your spouse has been “spoiled by nature”! A penis of an imposing size associated with the depth of penetration, it is the risk of hurting yourself. It will therefore be necessary to replace the ardor and the speed by a certain control in order to avoid that the sex does not become too intense, even downright painful. You will have to be all the more attentive as the face of the person penetrated will often be buried in a pillow: it will then be essential to communicate and ensure the well-being of everyone, throughout your session.

A good alternative in case it gets stuck on the waist is to simply remove the cushion placed under the hips. The position then becomes the “pronebone (from English prone, face down or face down) and has the advantage of limiting the depth of penetration. The latter is one of the many variations of doggy style that you should turn your attention to to develop your list of favorite kinky games. After having tested the Speed ​​Bump, all you have to do is try the pronebone, the approach of the tiger, or the union of the wolf … The kamasutra, a reference sex book, is full of proposals to reach the seventh heaven for two. Enough to have images in your head to fuel your sexual appetite and boost your libido.

Very focused on pyscho and sexo subjects, Leïla Gheiro is a versatile journalist who loves to vary the themes and explore subjects to tackle it in all its …

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