a specialist reveals the question to ask your child’s teacher to facilitate their year

Soon, the children will go back to school. With the HuffPost, a specialist revealed the question to ask your child’s teacher to facilitate his year.

One more summer coming to an end. In a few days already, the children will leave the sand pies and the long afternoons spent by the swimming pool to go back to school. Toddlers will have to get back in the bath, after two months of freedom, but their parents too. Specialists have already provided lots of advice of all kinds, especially to help families (re)accustom their toddlers. Or, for preserve their mental health as well as possible. It should be remembered that children and teenagers can – like adults – be victims of burnout: we then speak of school burnout.

Recently, the site magicmom echoed the point of view of a specialist, who spoke in the columns of the American version of the HuffPost. Paulo Graziano, psychology researcher and professor, unveiled the question every parent should ask the teacher who will be teaching their child’s class, especially when it is still very young. And this, in order to facilitate his school year.

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This question is as follows: “How can I help my child succeed in your class?” According to Paulo Graziano, this request would take on its full importance if the pupil were to be brought, during the months to come, to meetbehavioral, academic and/or socio-emotional difficulties”. Because all teachers do not necessarily have the same expectations vis-à-vis their students, this question will allow us to take stock. Teachers can, in turn, let families know what their expectations areespecially with regard to homework and lessons to be learned.

Same story from the side of Staci Lamb, blogger specializing in education and teacher. With the HuffPost, she also judged important to meet the educational team at the start of the school year. And this, in order to establish the bases of a good communication between the families, the children and the teachers. The exchange creates bonds and a communityshe said to support her reasoning. This allows teachers and parents to best meet the student’s needs.”

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