A vaccine could be available by 2025

The Nantes laboratory Valvena is working on a vaccine against Lyme disease. Could he really be ready by 2025?

Franck Grimaud, Managing Director of the Valneva laboratory, spoke about France Info and referred to the research being done to find a vaccine against Lyme disease. The Nantes laboratory has been working on this vaccine for ten years. The CEO announced when the vaccine to possibly be ready explaining the stage at which the lab was in its research: "We started research ten years ago to develop a vaccine that is suitable for European and American strains. The first tests aimed at testing the safety of the vaccine in humans have already passed. is in the process of taking a second step which is to test the best volume / efficiency ratio. " he explains.

We hope to bring this vaccine to the public in 2025

Lyme disease is a very debilitating disease. This bacterial infection is transmitted by ticks which carry the Borrelia bacteria. Franck Grimaud then returned to what the third sentence prepared and should take into account. This will be a testing period before the vaccine is available to the general public: "The third phase, which should start in 2022, is to test this vaccine on around 16,000 people with a placebo group who will not be vaccinated and a second with our vaccine to demonstrate that many of them are protecting well."

This disease alarms the greatest number lately because it has developed in a considerable way during the previous 20 years. In 2018, 67,000 new cases carrying Lyme disease had been resensed. Sometimes asymptomatic, the laboratory recalls that it sometimes has considerable consequences for those who are affected. This includes norological or even heart problems if it is not treated as soon as possible. Thus, Franck Grimaud explains to France Info : "We hope to bring this vaccine to the public in 2025."

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Video by Loïcia Fouillen