A Warzone fight ends a cheater’s career

Warzone players have discovered that cheaters can now give “big bertha” armored trucks wings. And this despite the integral application of the RICOCHET anti-cheat. Fortunately all hope is not lost, because an astonishing fight will have shown that these hackers are not invincible!

If the two years that have passed since the launch of Warzone can only be considered a resounding success for Activision. They are nevertheless strongly tarnished by the game’s cheating problems and the publisher’s inability to control the situation.

Many fans were excited about RICOCHET’s announcement and set-up. This custom anti-cheat system in Warzone. Since its addition in December, there have been signs of improvement, however cheaters won’t have to lay low for long.


Hackers no longer have any limits on Warzone…

One cheater less, 100 more in Warzone

u/JongStockton will have been one of the first to share testimonials about these new hacks. He will therefore be quick to share a clip on reddit. According to many, cheaters are nameless (making it harder to report) and can now fly in Big Bertha-style trucks.

Giant Armored Trucks have long been difficult to counter in Warzone. And so, meeting them mid-flight makes them even dumber.

Fortunately for JongStockton, the cheater was in this metal monster, but he was very stupid.

So blowing up the cheaters’ truck seems like the best solution. However, it must be recognized that this is easier said than done. Especially when they are hundreds of meters above the ground.

Understandably, many players demanded an immediate fix from Raven, even if it meant temporarily disabling vehicles.

Unfortunately, there was no response from the developer about this.

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