A young disabled man saves his taxi driver

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While on his way to his medical-educational institute, a young man saved the life of his taxi driver, who suffered a heart attack on the way.

A heroic act. On October 7, a taxi driver almost saw his fate change when he brought eight teenagers to the Institut médico-éducatif (IME) in Beauvais, in the Oise, accompanying young people with intellectual disabilities. With only three passengers left to pick up, Jean-Luc feels what feels like discomfortreports The Parisian. “He pulled over to the side and told me he wasn’t feeling well”reports Arnaud, 18 years oldone of the young people with disabilities, sitting in the passenger seat.

Sensing the urgency of the situation, the driver, in the process of having a heart attack, dials the number of his bosses before entrusting the phone to the young man. Online, he gives several details allowing its interlocutors to locate themsuch as the leg of the trip they were at and the city they were in. “I noticed that we were near an Intermarché and a college courtyard”, he assured. Using other information provided, relief was able to be rushed to the spot. “I was told that without me he might have died”confided Arnaud

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A shy man who became a hero

“He is a rather shy and reserved natural person. What he has done is amazing”revealed François, specialized educator of the IME, at the Parisian. Older than the other passengers also present in the vehicle, Arnaud did what was necessary to calm and reassure everyone. A composure which made it possible to help his driver and spare his comrades. “I acted naturally and did the right thing”concluded Arnaud, that no one will contradict, especially not Jean-Luc. “He saved my life for sure”admitted the driver.


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