AAH, RSA, activity bonus… Here are the new amounts of CAF payments as of April 1

Social benefits paid by CAF will be increased on April 1. The increase will be 4.6%. Discover the new amounts.

The 4.6% increase in several social benefits will indeed be effective from April 1 according to the government.

This increase concerns in particular family allowances, the allowance for adults with disabilities (AAH), the Active Solidarity Income (RSA) and the activity bonus. This increase is provided for by the Social Security Code, which stipulates that the amount of benefits must evolve according to inflation, calculated over a period of two years.

28 euros more per month for RSA

To determine the revaluation for April 2024, the calculation is based on the difference between the average inflation of February 2023 January 2024 and that of February 2022 January 2023, which results in 4.6%.

A single RSA recipient will see their monthly benefit increase from 607.75 euros to 635.71 euros, an increase of 28 euros per month. For a couple, without additional dependents, the amount of RSA will now be 953.56 euros. But be careful, this annual revaluation scheduled for April 1 will only be visible on CAF or MSA payments from Monday, May 6.

RSA, AAH, APL… The 3 dates where CAF transfers are postponed to 2024

Good news also for the 1.3 million CAF beneficiaries who receive the adult disability allowance (AAH). This social assistance reserved for disabled people with low resources will see the ceiling, currently set at 971.37 euros per month, increase by approximately 45 euros.

With a new expected amount of 1016 euros maximum, the AAH will thus exceed the symbolic threshold of 1000 euros per month, full rate and for a single person. A revaluation which also concerns the Education Allowance for Disabled Children (AEEH) and the Daily Caregiver Allowance (AJPA).

Revaluation of 4.6% also for the activity bonus, aid paid by the CAF or the MSA, subject to resource conditions, to workers with modest incomes. Currently, the maximum amount is 595.24 euros for a single person without children, for example. It will increase to 622.63 euros per month at most with the increase of 4.6%.


Family allowances are also affected by the increase in social minimums. This aid is paid automatically from the second child, regardless of the family’s resources. But its amount varies depending on them and the number of children. For two children, the aid is so far a maximum of 141.99 euros up to 74,966 euros of resources 35.50 euros for households with more than 99,922 euros of resources. In the first case, the aid will increase to 148.52 euros and 39.23 euros in the second case.

Towards under-indexing in 2025?

Note that this revaluation of 4.6% based on the increase in prices may not be renewed next year. Thomas Cazenave, Deputy Minister in charge of Public Accounts, recently suggested the possibility of not adjusting certain benefits to the inflation rate in 2025. An option which could all the more be considered when the public deficit has reached 5.5% in 2023, according to data published by INSEE this Tuesday.

This under-indexing strategy was already used in 2020 since social benefits increased by 0.3% despite inflation of around 1%.

CAF: 15 hours of activity to receive RSA, which changes for you in 5 questions and answers

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