Accident of Pierre Palmade: the unexpected speech of the mother of Antoine Alléno, killed by a driver

On February 10, Pierre Palmade, under the influence of drugs, hit a family head-on. A drama that echoes the accident that cost the life of Antoine Alléno. His mother spoke this Wednesday, February 15.

How not to make the link between these two cases? On February 10, Pierre Palmade took the wheel at the end of the afternoon when he was under the influence of cocaine and substitution drugs. During his trip by car, the 54-year-old comedian hit another vehicle head-on, seriously injuring the driver, his six-year-old son – whose condition is very worrying – as well as a woman who was seven months pregnant and who lost her baby. Shattered lives. Traumatized families. Unfortunately, this kind of tragedy happens far too often. Isabelle Alléno testified this Wednesday, February 15 at the microphone of BFM TV. And for good reason, it has brought back terrible memories.

On May 8, his youngest son, Antoine Alléno died after being mowed down at a red light by a drunk driverunder narcotics and recidivist. The young chef who followed in the footsteps of his illustrious father Yannick Alléno was only 24 years old. Despite their dismay, his parents then decided to found an association to help victims of road accidents. It is in this context that Isabelle Alléno was invited to react to the Pierre Palmade affair that she “look with a lot of anger and bitterness“.”I would like there to be a real awareness of the unconscious who take the wheel when they have been drinking or taking narcotics“, she explains, rightly recalling that “when you take the wheel in this state, we have a real weapon in our hands.

To discover > Pierre Palmade accident: what does his searched house look like, put up for sale for more than a million euros? (Pictures)

This reform that Isabelle Alléno wants

It is therefore natural that Isabelle Alléno wishes that these people are paying for the “cataclysm, nightmare“that they cause. For her, this requires a reform to qualify these accidents as road homicides. “There is nothing more intolerable and unacceptable than hearing manslaughter. I’m sorry but nobody forces anyone to consume alcohol, narcotics, it’s everyone’s responsibility. Hearing involuntarily is unbearable“, she believes. A feeling undoubtedly shared by all the relatives of victims of accidents of this type.

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