According to body language expert: 3 signals that unmask a narcissist

According to body language experts
3 signs that you recognize a narcissist

Once a narcissist takes root in your heart, it’s hard to get rid of them.

You often don’t recognize a narcissist in your life until they have caused lasting damage. In the video you will find out which signs give it away at an early stage.

You can meet a narcissist anywhere in life: at work, in the family, in a partnership or even among friends. They often possess an engaging and charismatic personality that makes it easy for them to charm those around them.

Recognizing narcissism: A body language expert reveals the warning signs

In the video, body language expert Dr. Louise Mahler, on which behavioral characteristics one recognizes a narcissistic person in one’s environment in order to be able to protect oneself from them in good time.

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