According to researchers, the size of the nose would give an indication of the size of the penis.

Researchers at Kyoto University compared the size of the nose and penis of 126 subjects. With surprising conclusions.

Big feet, big… shoes they say. Myths about size matches between members are legion, and the source of gritty sayings and jokes. Japanese researchers, however, wondered if there was a correspondence between the size of the nose and that of the penis. Researchers at a Kyoto University looked for what factors other than age influence penile length. They therefore performed an analysis of the sizes of the noses and genitals of 126 adults between the ages of 30 and 50. Result: The study claims that men with a big nose have a penis that is 29% longer than those with a small nose. However, the abstract of the study concludes quite formally: this correlation between nose size and penis size shows that these sizes were determined before birth.

This very serious study is however to be qualified, specify the researchers themselves: this study is the first to demonstrate the relationship between the length of the stretched penis and the size of the nose, but it was carried out only in Japanese male cadavers, and the Why the length of the stretched penis and the size of the nose are related is still not clear, they point out.
It also remains to be seen where this phallocentric obsession with size comes from. You can find this study in the journal Basical and Clinical Andrology.

Mathilde Wattecamps

Missions: Mathilde is an expert in subjects related to women’s rights and health. Addicted to Instagram and Twitter, never stingy with a good …