Activision-Blizzard CEO in turmoil after Microsoft buyout

Personality News The CEO of Activision-Blizzard in turmoil after the takeover of his company by Microsoft

Definitely, the weeks follow each other and look alike for Bobby Kotick, big boss of the giant Activision-Blizzard. Already in the eye of the storm for various cases, it would be at the heart of a new “scandal” if we are to believe the revelations made by our colleagues from IGN in the United States.

It is an understatement to say that the takeover of Activision-Blizzard has created waves within the Santa Monica company. Inevitably, being bitten by the Redmond giant does not happen every day and the concerns of employees, accustomed to a mode of operation, are legitimate. It is for this purpose that a meeting was organized within Activision-Blizzard. Bobby Kotick was to present the future plans of the group there in order to reassure his (future ex-) employees. Problem, not only did he arrive late, but in addition, he slipped away very quickly.


The affair was revealed by the Washington Post. The meeting, which was to last half an hour, was presented as a “discussion around a fire”. She was there to relax the atmosphere after the announcement of the takeover and provide some useful details for the many employees of the group. However, if we are to believe the journalists of the American daily, Bobby Kotick arrived 7 minutes late to end the meeting after… 16 minutes. That is 9 minutes of presence.

While rumors about possible layoffs persist, the express passage of the boss of Activision – Blizzard did not reassure the group’s proteges at all. Even if he certified that Microsoft would do everything to make a smooth transition by keeping as many employees as possible, whom they consider to be its “” children », the employees came out of this meeting with a lot of doubts. An employee, speaking on condition of anonymity, spoke after this meeting, explaining that she looked favorably on the takeover by Microsoft, but that she was wary, like many of her colleagues, of Bobby Kotick. (even if she thinks he won’t let go of his employees). Thus, if we rely on a few statements, many Activision-Blizzard employees are only waiting for one thing: the handover and the departure of their historic boss. It must be said that the interested party is entangled in various affairs and that the shareholders, employees and members of the ABK Workers Alliance have been calling for his resignation for some time now.

More than ever, a page is about to be turned.

Source :

Through Ayden_, Journalist


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