Actress Betty White has died aged 99

Friday, December 31, 2021, Betty White died at the age of 99. Notably known for having played in the series Les Craquantes, the actress was preparing to celebrate her hundredth birthday on January 17 …

The star has joined the stars … TV star Betty White died at the age of 99 on Friday, December 31, 2021. In a press release sent to the American site People, his agent and friend, Jeff Witjas said: “Even though Betty was about to turn 100, I thought she would live forever. I will miss her terribly, as will the animal world she loved so much. I don’t think she was afraid of dying, because she always wanted to be with her beloved husband Allen Ludden. She thought she would be by his side again. Betty passed away peacefully in her sleep at her home early this morning.After learning of the actress’s death, Joe Biden shared on Twitter: “Betty White has put a smile on the lips of generations of Americans. He is a cultural icon that will be sorely missed.

A few days before his death, the star had confided in the columns of the magazine People. As she approached her centenary, she had revealed: “I am so lucky to be so healthy and to feel so good at this age. It’s incredible !“Talking about her diet, it was with humor that she had slipped:”I try to avoid anything that is green. I think it works!“A year earlier, it was also in an interview with People that Betty White had shared her advice to have a long and happy life. “Have a sense of humor! Just look at the positive side and don’t dwell on the negative side. It takes too much energy to be negative“, she had assured.

A look back at Betty White’s career

Star of the 1980s series The Crunchies, the actress had played in many series. She had notably appeared in Ally McBeal, My Family First, Malcolm, Love, Glory and Beauty, Ugly Betty, but also Hot in Cleveland. At the cinema, she had given the reply to Ryan reynolds in Proposal.

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Betty white
She was getting ready to celebrate her hundredth birthday.


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Betty white
She would have been 100 years old on January 17, 2022.


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Betty white
In a statement sent to the American site People, her agent and friend, Jeff Witjas assured that he thought she would live forever.


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Betty white
Her agent has disclosed that he doesn’t think she was afraid of dying.

© Coleman-Rayner

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Betty white
The star wanted to reunite with her husband Allen Ludden.


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Betty white
She passed away peacefully in her sleep.


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Betty white
Joe Biden spoke out after learning of the actress’s death.


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Betty white
Friday, December 31, 2021, Betty White died at the age of 99.


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Betty white
She was an American television star.


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Betty white
The actress always had a smile.


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Betty white
His fans are in mourning.

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