Advertising with LGBTQ – Now companies really have to show their colors – News


Zurich Pride is also a platform for companies. But the heated debate forces them to give more substance.

Zurich is currently more colorful than usual. Rainbow flags are waving on the buildings of Swiss Re or the acquired Credit Suisse. In the Migros supermarket at the headquarters, the colored wooden panels above the fruit shelf say “We live diversity”. And Swiss and Swisscom have changed their logos accordingly on social media.


“Controversies are part of a democratic society,” writes Migros, “it has to endure arguments for and against.”

SRF/Harry Stitzel

More reluctance on the part of companies

Nevertheless, the companies involved in “Pride Month” were more colourful. Andrea Bison from the Zurich advertising agency “thjnk” observed that companies communicated their activities more cautiously to the outside world.

We take a very close look at what is happening in the company and what is not.

That doesn’t mean that companies are less committed because of this, says Bison, but:

“Companies have become more cautious because stakeholders no longer automatically evaluate and appreciate everything that is done. Instead, they take a very critical look at what is happening in the company and what is not yet happening.”

“Under attack from the right”

Roman Heggli also notes that companies are rethinking. He is CEO of Pink Cross, the umbrella organization for gay and bisexual men.

Heggli sees companies making more of an effort to actually do something for their communities rather than just being there with the rainbow-colored logo.

But he adds: “On the other hand, it worries me that many companies are suddenly coming under fire, also from the right, because they are positioning themselves clearly. And here I’m a bit concerned that companies are now becoming more cautious for fear of negative consequences.”

Companies stand firm

The debate has heated up noticeably in recent months. This is shown by the gender day in Stäfa, which was canceled due to threats against the school, or the reading lesson for children with transsexuals in Zurich, which took place under police protection.

SRF has asked several companies. All deny that the headwind would cause restraint. Airline Swiss writes: “Negative voices do not prevent us from continuing to engage in the issue.” Migros says: “Controversies are part of a democratic society, it has to endure arguments for and against.”

ZKB emphasizes that it even expanded its commitment this year. And Ikea is taking part in even more demonstration parades.

Colorful mugs and other products on a shelf


Removed: “Target” products for “Pride Month” in Nashville, Tennessee.


In the US, resistance to LGBTQ has already had an impact. Retail chain Target removed “queer” products from stores after threats became widespread.

In Switzerland, the Manor department store stocks a growing range of colored Pride items: from flags to canteens to socks. The demand for products and accessories for Pride Month is increasing.

“So far, the feedback from our customers about the range has been very positive,” writes Manor when asked by SRF.

Colorful paint is not enough

Companies today couldn’t just communicate a logo in rainbow colors and do nothing in the background, says the advertiser. Their customers include companies such as Sunrise, Ochsner Sport and Denner.

Bison observed a similar development as in the advertising for sustainability, which was often referred to as “greenwashing”, i.e. the attempt by companies to present themselves as particularly environmentally friendly through PR measures. That no longer works today, because people take a closer look.

When it comes to diversity, too, this means for companies: “Actions instead of words.”

More courage is required

Personally, advertiser Andrea Bison thinks despite all the companies’ reluctance: “We should all be braver together and seek discourse to get something moving in people’s minds.” You can only make progress through discussions and dealing with the topic of diversity: “We will not achieve any change by ducking away, hiding or not talking about it.”

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