Afghan women’s rights envoy appointed by Washington

The United States on Wednesday announced the appointment of a special envoy for the rights of Afghan women, a stated priority of the US administration since the Taliban regained control of the country.

US Foreign Minister Blinken has announced that Rina Amiri, an American born in Afghanistan who had worked in the administration of former President Barack Obama, will be President Joe Biden’s special envoy for women’s rights and Afghan Girls and Human Rights in Afghanistan.

He specified in a statement the role that Rina Amiri would have in this post: “As special envoy, she will work on a series of files of critical importance for me, for the American administration and for national security. United States: the human rights and fundamental freedoms of women, girls and other populations at risk in all their diversity. ”

Afghan women’s rights threatened by the Taliban

In search of international recognition, the Taliban have pledged to govern less brutally than during their first reign (1996-2001), calling for example not to punish the officials of the old regime. However, women are still largely excluded from the civil service and from access to secondary education.

On Sunday, December 26, 2021, the Taliban issued recommendations asking drivers not to travel with women for long distances if they are not accompanied by a man of their close family.

A situation that had offended the new envoy for the rights of Afghan women. On Twitter, Rina Amiri said: “I wonder how those who gave legitimacy to the Taliban by assuring the world that they had changed can explain the return of draconian and regressive policies against women.”

An appointment rejected by the Taliban

The appointment decided by Washington is categorically rejected by the Taliban regime. Mohammad Naeem, spokesman for the regime reacted to AFP, saying: “We are not going to allow anyone to represent our people or any of their factions. (…) Only the Islamic system in power can represent the Afghan nation, that’s all. ”

On Twitter, the main respondent said: “It is an honor to have the opportunity to support the courageous women, girls and people of Afghanistan. I will do everything in my power to significantly improve the dire situation of women and vulnerable people in Afghanistan. ”

Rina Amiri, 53, was born in Afghanistan but left her homeland as a child. His parents then emigrated to California. Still a student at Tufts University in Boston, she made herself known by protesting against the Taliban regime after the attacks of September 11, 2001 which caused

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