After absurd dismissal: outraged BVB wants to examine the objection

After an absurd dismissal
Outraged BVB wants to examine the objection

Borussia Dortmund loses an extremely important game – and defender Mats Hummels. The expulsion for the defender almost causes even greater trouble for the Bundesliga club. The decision can no longer be reversed, but BVB wants to take action against any consequences.

The 29th minute of the Champions League game between Borussia Dortmund and Ajax Amsterdam (1: 3) will at least keep BVB busy: 0: 0 it was when Dortmund’s defender Mats Hummels met Ajax attacker Antony. At first glance a rude affair, Hummels straddled at high speed, his leg in the air, Antony flew and turned the duel into a spectacle. Referee Michael Oliver pulled out the red card.

But at second glance it quickly became clear: the touch was more of a symbolic nature. Antony, who was subsequently involved in all three goals of the Dutch champions, had delivered an acting contribution. To fix things like this, there is also the VAR in the Champions League, the video assistant that can correct blatantly wrong decisions in clearly defined cases. For example, for referrals. Alone: ​​It didn’t happen and nobody can really explain why. Referee Oliver decided not to look at the scene again and to protect himself and Borussia Dortmund from harm.

“He is such an experienced referee and has the ability to control a first perception of people who are sitting in the warm,” complained the coach at DAZN. A little later he added: “If you have the opportunity to correct mistakes these days and if that is inexplicably wasted, then it is difficult for me to understand. Then something goes wrong in football.”

“Still have to learn to be an athlete”

Hummels was also mightily invited: “How you can come up with this idea as a referee at Champions League level. He decided the game today. I think he knows.” The 32-year-old veteran was annoyed not only with the referee, but also with the fouled Antony. “You shouldn’t ignore the acting of my opponent. It’s grossly unsporting. He comes to me and says himself that it wasn’t a red card,” revealed the 2014 world champion. “It’s a farce, it’s ridiculous. He is a great footballer, now he still has to learn to be an athlete. “

ntv referee expert Alex Feuerherdt (“Collina’s heirs”) is less harsh with Oliver in court, Hummels had “at least gone into action with high risk and at a reasonable speed. At real speed things may have presented differently to the referee” than she did on closer inspection had expired. From the point of view of the video assistants, however, there are “no good arguments for a field reference.” However, the recommendation to Oliver to look at the situation again did not materialize.

In any case, Borussia Dortmund does not want to put up with the expulsion – and would like to take action against a possible suspension. “It’s a total injustice, we feel punished enough by the outcome of the game,” said managing director Hans-Joachim Watzke: “We appeal to UEFA’s sense of justice to set an example and not to punish the player as well.” Sports director Michael Zorc spoke of a “more than obviously and clearly verifiable wrong decision that ruined our game”. UEFA advertises “with respect, but that has nothing to do with respect. Oliver is ten meters from the screen, he has to look at it. Mats Hummels slides 40 centimeters past Antony, who even gets on his foot.” BVB is currently examining the incident with its legal advisor.

Hummels had almost given up in the evening – and is assuming that he will not be able to help his team in the sporting duel at Sporting Lisbon, which is vital for survival. “As far as can be, you say the referee reached into the toilet, but we all know that you normally get banned. BVB should urgently score points in Portugal: A defeat by more than one goal difference means premature exit.

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