After Arbitrum, Avalanche and the BNB Chain, Trader Joe launches on Ethereum

Trader Joe, the largest decentralized exchange (DEX) on the Avalanche blockchain, recently entered the Ethereum mainnet. This expansion is accompanied by the introduction of the “Liquidity Book”, a major innovation in the field of AMM. The launch on Ethereum comes at a strategic time, particularly in response to recent Curve hackand marks a significant step in Trader Joe’s mission to make DeFi accessible to everyone.

The liquidity book

Trader Joe’s Liquidity Book redefines the way liquidity providers interact with the markets. He allows providers to deposit liquidity in discrete price ranges, providing unprecedented flexibility.

Moreover, it introduces a fee structure called Surge Pricing, consisting of a fixed fee and a variable fee adjusted for volatility. This revolutionary approach enables unparalleled capital efficiencytransforming the way assets are traded in DeFi.

Trader Joe lands on Ethereum

Trader Joe’s expansion onto Ethereum is a strategic and timely move.

Following the recent Curve hackwhich has seen its protocol hacked to the tune of $70 million in digital assets, Trader Joe seized the opportunity to capture the stablecoin market. Trader Joe’s pseudonymous co-founder Fish explained that the opportunity was too good to pass up, even though the initial rollout was slated for later.

By launching USDC/USDT and USDC/DAI stablecoin pools, Trader Joe demonstrates its commitment to providing effective and secure decentralized trading options.

The impact of Trader Joe’s expansion on Ethereum goes far beyond the platform itself. It echoes through the market, offering liquidity providers unprecedented opportunities. Reduced risk of impermanent loss and increased trading coststhanks to the new version of the Liquidity Book, position Trader Joe as a serious competitor against other DEXs like Uniswap. Moreover, the rapid reaction to the Curve exploit and the (so far tentative) capture of the stablecoin market shows some impressive agility and responsiveness.

Trader Joe, a visionary protocol

Trader Joe’s vision embodies a mission of make DeFi accessible to everyone. With a trading volume of over $88 billion and an impressive TVL spread across multiple channels, Trader Joe is positioning itself as a leader in the continued evolution of DeFi. The decision to launch on Ethereum, the birthplace of DeFi, reflects this vision, as does the commitment to efficiency and security in decentralized trading options.

Trader Joe’s expansion into Ethereum and the introduction of their Liquidity Book marks a significant milestone in the DeFi landscape. These innovations, coupled with a clear vision and commitment to efficiency and security, place Trader Joe at the forefront of DeFi.

Source : TraderJoe

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