After attack in Slovakia – Fico attacker may not have been a lone perpetrator after all – News

  • Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico is out of danger after Wednesday’s attack.
  • This is what Deputy Prime Minister Robert Kalinak and the deputy head of the clinic in Banska Bystrica, Milan Urbani, told the TASR news agency.
  • According to the latest findings, the perpetrator may not be a lone perpetrator after all.

Urbani specified to journalists: “Based on the advice of the medical council this morning, we can determine that the patient is currently outside of a life-threatening state. However, his condition remains very serious and he will need a long time and rest to recover.”

Kalinak, who is also Defense Minister, added that Fico’s transfer to a hospital in the capital Bratislava would not be possible in the near future.


Slovak Prime Minister Rober Fico was shot on Wednesday.

REUTERS/Hannibal Hanschke

The 59-year-old Fico was hit by five shots from close range during an encounter with citizens about 200 kilometers from Bratislava on Wednesday.

According to media reports, the arrested suspected attacker is 71 years old, a former security guard and the author of three books of poetry. He was taken to the special criminal court in the town of Pezinok on Saturday for questioning under tight security. The court ordered that he be remanded in custody. The reason for this is the risk of escape and further acts of violence.

He was charged with attempted murder. According to previous information from the police and government, the man had shot him out of hatred against Fico and his government policies.

Lone perpetrator or not?

According to the latest findings, the perpetrator may not be a lone perpetrator after all, Interior Minister Matus Sutaj Estok told journalists in Bratislava. “We have put together a team of investigators who will also work with the version that it was not a lone wolf.”

One of the indications is that content on the perpetrator’s Facebook page was deleted at the time it was in the hands of the police. He did not have access to the site at that moment.

Fico’s big change of course

Fico took office as Prime Minister of Slovakia in October 2023. He had previously held the office three times since 2006. Since then, he has initiated a policy change that critics in the opposition describe as a “grab for power.”

He has scaled back support for Ukraine while also seeking dialogue with Russia. He made NATO partly responsible for the Russian war of aggression. He also disempowered a special public prosecutor’s office that was supposed to take action against corruption.

Threats in Slovakia are increasing

Since the attack, there have been increasing threats against politicians, Slovakian Interior Minister Matus Sutaj Estok told the newspaper Pravda. The minister, who belongs to the second largest government party “Voice – Social Democracy”, said that he himself had also received death threats.

A member of parliament from the largest government party “Towards – Slovak Social Democracy”, led by Fico, was also threatened. In both cases, a perpetrator was identified.

Death threats against the liberal opposition leader Michal Simecka and his family had previously become known. Apart from specific death threats, the number of aggressive statements on social media has also increased significantly, according to Slovak media, citing experts.

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