After bedbugs, watch out for green bugs which are proliferating in France this fall

Another insect is invading our homes and gardens: green bugs! Are they as harmful as bedbugs? Here are some answers…

Bedbugs have hit the headlines in recent months. Could it be the turn of the green bugs? The premieres invaded homes, cinemas and transport throughout the country, causing an impressive change in the metro in particular. Even Cristina Cordula was affected! The panic was such that it was necessary to take stock of the practices to avoid to fight against the infestation: should you take off your shoes at home? What to do when buying second-hand clothes? There is reason to wonder.

Today, France Info alert on other harmful insects: green bugs. They measure between 1 and 1.5 centimeters, are flat and oval in shape. Their particularity: they are brown in autumn and green in summer. They are generally in vegetable gardens because they particularly like fruits and vegetables or even flowers. Wood bugs tend to be found in glass wool, in window frames or on the facades of your houses.

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A new invasion: green bugs

But no fear: green bugs don’t bite! Although they are harmless, they are becoming more and more numerous, like bedbugs. Indeed, due to global warming, they reproduce more (particularly liking the heat): a female can lay up to 200 eggs twice a year. This fall, we see a lot of them. They come to protect themselves from the cold at our place.

An advice : avoid crushing them, as they release an unpleasant odor, just like when they are afraid. You can try to expel them by placing them on a sheet of paper, which you leave outside. You can also provide mosquito nets or nets to prevent them from entering. No need to panic, but information which explains their greater presence and which protects against bad odors.

Editor for Aufeminin since 2022, Charlotte is passionate about cinema, French and international, and a fortune reader. Curious about everything, she talks as much about personalities as…

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