after coming out, a footballer is “afraid” to participate


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Josh Cavallo, a footballer who has come out, fears playing the 2022 World Cup in Qatar because of the treatment inflicted locally on homosexuals.

Josh Cavallo is scared. Last October, the Australian player revealed his homosexuality on social networks. The midfielder then became the first active player in the Australian Championship (A-League) to openly assume his homosexuality. Following this announcement, Josh Cavallo is worried about going to Qatar to compete in the 2022 World Cup. Guardian, he does not hide his deep concern about going to this country that condemns homosexuality. “I read something like that[ils] pass the death penalty for gays in Qatar, so that’s something I’m very scared of and I wouldn’t really want to go to Qatar for that. “, did he let the Guardian, well before even knowing if he will be selected or not. the Guardian then wanted to confirm that Qatar is the two most dangerous destination for the LGBT community.

2022 World Cup in Qatar: Josh Cavallo led a “double life”

Last October, Josh Cavallo came out on social media in these terms: “JI’m a soccer player and I’m gay ”. Then he added: “All I want is to play football and be treated fairly”. The purpose of this message was to help him put an end to his “double life”. ‘VS‘is an experience that I do not wish on anyone ”, he still reported.

A public announcement that he fears not to be compatible with the laws of Qatar. And yet, in 2019, the general manager of the World Cup in Qatar, Nasser Al-Khater, assured that Qatar was “one of the safest countries in the world ”, for “any fan, of any gender, (sexual) orientation, religion” and “race”.

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