After Dragon Age 4 and Mass Effect 5, a surprise is brewing

BioWare is already busy with Dragon Age 4 and Mass Effect 5. Two games awaited by fans, but with a little hint of fear. However, these two titanic games do not seem to be enough.

Alongside Dragon Age 4 and Mass Effect 5, BioWare could indeed be working on a third game. In any case, this is what we can understand when reading a temporary job offer recently posted on the studio’s official LinkedIn page.

Dragon Age 4 and Mass Effect 5 are clearly not enough

BioWare has been working on Dragon Age 4 for almost ten years. After a nice Inquisition but not up to the level of the very first opus, Dreadwolf is rightly watched with cautious expectation. The studio belonging to Electronic Arts in any case seems to be experiencing difficulties with the development of its most advanced title to date. Same observation for Mass Effect 5, teased in 2020 and since then brilliant in its absence, despite encouraging signs.

However, it seems that these two truly massive games are not yet enough for an already busy BioWare. The studio is in any case looking for a development manager on a temporary basis to “ coordinate 2-3 diverse project teams in several disciplines to ensure proper monitoring of their objectives and delivery “. The mention of “2-3 teams” is clearly not to be taken lightly. The job offer also alludes to the future of BioWare, beyond the two games already in development. A third game is therefore brewing behind the scenes of the studio.

Mass Effect 5 still seems far away, very far away… © BioWare

Eyes bigger than their stomachs at BioWare?

To say that BioWare is going through a rough patch is an understatement. Its last two flagship games, Anthem and Andromeda, were bitter failures. The Mass Effect Legendary Edition trilogy fortunately saved the furniture. The studio is, however, expected to release Dragon Age 4 and Mass Effect 5. Two games which must be worthy successors to two of BioWare’s most popular licenses.

Given the development time devoted to Dragon Age 4, let’s hope that this long and hard work will live up to expectations. The opposite could have very unfortunate consequences for the studio. Especially since it has undergone significant restructuring through Electronic Arts. Between mass layoffs, departures and postponements of a work environment that is not necessarily healthy, everything is clearly not rosy at BioWare. We wish his teams the best for their “2-3” future productions. The studio and the people who work there could sorely need some wins.

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