after her call for help, the columnist finally found her father


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Columnist Maïa Mazaurette has lost track of her sick father. Thanks to social networks, she was able to find him safe and sound.

Maïa Mazaurette thought that her message on Twitter would have the effect of a simple bottle in the sea. In the end, her approach was a very good initiative which made it possible to put her father in safety.

The columnist specializing in identity and sexual issues for several media, in particular the Quotidien program, learned of the disappearance of her father, Olivier, suffering from Alzheimer’s disease on Monday February 7. Very worried, the journalist followed by 46,000 people on Twitter tried what she calls “a desperate move”.

“He has been missing for five hours now in Berlin (Mitte district). He wears some sort of burgundy bomber jacket. The police and the embassy are notified. He has no money, papers or telephone”posted yesterday afternoon Maïa Mazaurette on her twitter account with a recent photo of her father.

“He must be hungry and cold, not to mention tired. We’ve been looking for hours and we’ve run out of ideas. If you see him, contact me (or call the police)”, worried Maïa Mazaurette who asked for help from anyone who saw her father in Berlin.

An incredible outpouring of solidarity

Maïa Mazaurette’s message has been retweeted more than 5,000 times. Many people even offered their personal networks to Berlin to help him find his lost father.

Thanks to the thousands of retweets from her community, in particular people who relayed the message translated into German to a German-speaking population potentially based in Berlin, Maïa Mazaurette was able to find her father in the evening.

A relief for the columnist who lives in Paris and who could only manage the situation from a distance.

Freelance journalist, Amina is passionate about societal trends which she dissects with words. She pays particular attention to women’s rights and equal opportunities. When she…

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