After his controversial video, ocelote is dismissed from the management of G2 Esports

It is a decision with serious consequences announced by the G2 Esports organization this Sunday evening. In a tweetthe famous esports structure has announced that its charismatic 32-year-old CEO, Carlos “ocelot” Rodriguez Santiago, lost its attributions for the next 8 weeks. A decision by mutual agreement with the board of directors of the club he founded. During this time, his salary will also be suspended.

Last night we disappointed you. Our CEO’s actions go against the values ​​and culture that G2 upholds and fights for. And for that, sorry.

Since our inception, we have worked hard to build a safe and inclusive environment in which to enjoy esports. These are just small steps in the right direction that we need to take as a society. We will continue to do the best we can each of us, and improve every day, just like this sector in general.

What happened with ocelote?

But for some of you, the announcement fell like a hair on the soup. To understand this strong decision, we have to go back to Saturday, when ocelote shared a celebratory video with several people in a club, bottles of champagne in hand. A video on twitter that has more than 22,000 likes but has not always been commented on and retweeted to celebrate with him.

Indeed, Internet users have discovered in the sequence the frequentations of the CEO of G2 Esports. “A famous rapist and mysoginist” proclaim some people in his comments. In fact, we can find Andrew Tate, a former kickboxer known for several media outings that earned him bans on social media. Converted tiktokeur, he generally holds misogynistic remarks and faces several charges of rape or sexual assault. As many Internet users have noted, attendance is going badly as G2 unveiled its female LoL roster recently for more inclusiveness in esports.

Where ocelote, who does not have his tongue in his pocket as we have seen so often during the championship days, made a mistake, it is in his communication after the discovery of his relations. Accused from all sides, in particular by big names like the caster Quickshot or the former EXCEL player Caedrel, he simply argued that he had the right to have the friends he wanted and that he could party with the people he wanted. A few hours later, G2 Esports therefore dissociated itself from its CEO, who could simply give 8 weeks’ notice before being officially dismissed from his post.

On the side of the G2 Army, many supporters now say they are as disappointed as betrayed by ocelote, some not hesitating to post on the networks a photo of their ripped jersey.

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