After Mario, Sonic in turn joins the great LEGO family with an exclusive set

Good plan news After Mario, Sonic in turn joins the great LEGO family with an exclusive set

After the NES set and the Super Mario packs, another iconic character in video game history is in the spotlight today at LEGO, Sonic the Hedgehog. Find this exclusive LEGO set for 69.99 €.

Spruce up your LEGO collection with the new set dedicated to Sonic the Hedgehog

Omnipresent in geek culture with the universes of Star Wars, Harry Potter, DC Comics, Marvel, etc. and present for a long time in the world of video games with improbable crossovers between LEGOs and the characters of Star Wars or Harry Potter in particular, strangely, the video game is not very present in the other direction at LEGO.

Apart from a collaboration with Nintendo which resulted in Super Mario sets or a collector’s NES larger than life, no major series like Zelda, Asssassin’s Creed, Final Fantasy or even Pokémon have been the subject of LEGO adaptations. A surprising choice as we know how LEGO video games are a hit every time.

Things may start to change since a new set has arrived straight out of our best years of video games dedicated to the most famous hedgehog, Sonic the Hedgehog.

Available from January 1, 2022, the Sonic the Hedhegog set is sold exclusively on the LEGO site for € 69.99.

Buy the LEGO Sonic the Hedhegod set for 69 € on the official LEGO website

A LEGO pack that smells of nostalgia

Straight out of the LEGO Ideas program, the sharing platform for LEGO fans who offer sets to submit to community votes and potentially then be produced and sold to the general public, the Sonic the Hedgehog – Green Hill Zone set smells good. nostalgia full of nose.

Composed of 1125 parts, the pack takes all the codes of the very first Sonic released in 1991 on the Master System, at the time when SEGA was still making consoles… It is a pack intended rather for adults, not so much by the complexity as the very small parts and especially the old school side which is more aimed at the quadras who knew the game of the time.

But our little finger tells us that the release of the film Sonic 2 in April 2022 is also no stranger to LEGO’s interest in testing the ground by releasing cross-platform merchandise.

Either way, if you’re in a nostalgic frenzy and miss the 8-bit world, find the LEGO Sonic the Hedgehog – Green Hill Zone set on the LEGO site for $ 69.99.

Buy the LEGO Sonic the Hedhegod set for 69 € on the official LEGO website

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