After Riot Games, Derick Tsai joins Bungie’s “Destiny Universe Transmedia”


As noticed Destiny Bulletin browsing LinkedIn, Bungie has just recruited Derick Tsai as head of development for “Destiny Universe Transmedia”, just that, kids. Since January, Derick Tsai has therefore been in charge of piloting projects that will extend the Destiny license to new media, “including film, television, animation, books, comics and audio formats“, can we read.

Passed by High Moon Studios, Obsidian Entertainment, Disney, Marvel, Universal, Crystal Dynamics or even Nike, Derick Tsai was recently the producer and director of cutscenes for Riot Games, mainly those published on the Legends of Runeterra channel.

Even before joining Sony, Bungie had already planned to expand its activities by opening an Amsterdam-based subsidiary in 2022, while doubling the space of its Bellevue premises, a project that should be completed by the end of the year. ‘year. It will take that to continue releasing Destiny 2 expansions each year while developing an ambitious new license and therefore building the “Destiny Universe Transmedia”, which Riot Games has also started to do brilliantly with the series of ‘animation Arcane.

You can’t help but look at Sony’s accomplishments, not only as a great platform with some of the best development teams in the world, but also as one of the biggest entertainment companies in the world. We’ve taken this great opportunity to build – not just Destiny, we’re working on more than Destiny – these great interactive experiences, but also the ability to explore these worlds in other ways“commented Pete Parsons, CEO of Bungie, at the microphone of Games Industry.


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