After system collapse – Salzburg: The PCR test chaos now has consequences

Out-of-print tests at “Salzburg Gurgelt”, technical problems at the laboratory operator Novogenia and long waiting times at 1450. All of this led to massive problems with the test processing. The collapse of the test system forced several decision-makers to react – not just the state of Salzburg and the laboratory concerned.

Although the demand for vaccinations has increased noticeably in the last few days, the demand for PCR tests remains high. The problems now force reactions in many areas. After the people of Salzburg carried out 700,000 gurgle tests, but only gave a fraction of them, there is now a maximum amount that can be given per person.

Fixed IT problems
Novogenia was able to fix its IT problems to the extent that registration for testing was possible again. However, those affected complained of waiting times of up to 45 minutes. The University of Salzburg also reacted to the collapse of the test system. Since Tuesday, 3G has been in effect again for a limited period instead of 2.5-G.

However, all students have to wear an FFP2 mask again at their place. The State of Salzburg does not expect a general relaxation of the situation at the test stations until next week.

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