Against all common sense: 7 reasons for a baby

Against all reason
7 reasons to be a baby

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Finally you have got it out of the woods, you can sleep until 9 a.m. on Saturdays, travel alone or change three sentences with friends without being interrupted. Lovely! Why should you start all over again with a latecomer? Read it yourself!

by Marie Stadler

1. Children like to be useful

It is good for children to be needed. When such a small person completely shakes up the family order, the older siblings quickly notice how grateful mom and dad can be for the smallest assistance. For example, when dad desperately holds the baby's feet in one hand and an empty pack of wet wipes in the other … Yes, big little helpers are a blessing! And grateful parents too.

2. Much more conscious this time

With the sure knowledge that this is really the last time you will experience all of this, you will perceive everything much more consciously. The little kicks in the stomach, the first magical hours together, that little hand that clings so tightly to your finger … SCHMACHT! With a straggler there is all of this again. And in slow motion.

3. Sooo relaxed

While all other parents desperately read "Oh dear, I'm growing" and try to believe in the phase theory, latecomer parents have long since been completely cleared up. They know: everything will pass. And that's not always bad news.

4. Old? Who is old here?

With another child, your environment also becomes younger. You suddenly call people your friends whose babysitter you could have been two decades ago. This broadens the horizon, keeps the brain young and crisp and makes people more tolerant. Oh yes, children of the 90s are now real adults too! Crazy!

5. The little big ones learn from the big big ones

It's clear that the little siblings learn a lot of great things and a lot of nonsense from the big ones. But even the older siblings can consciously experience what being a parent really means. They learn to diaper, are comforters and co-educators (whether you want to or not). That makes you self-confident and, by the way, is also very popular with girls. Or is there anything more touching than a big brother wearing dental braces with a baby in his arms?

6. Hormones go crazy with you at the same time

Well, that can definitely be on the contra list, but if you and your latecomer go through menopause and puberty at some point, it is almost unifying again, right? Maybe then you understand each other better? Mhhh … quickly to point 7, which is more convincing …

7. Most definitely complete

Is it just the feeling that everyone isn't there yet? With this longing for this one child that you just haven't picked up yet, life is even worse than with little sleep. And if we have learned one thing in life, it is probably that one regrets not having done something rather than having done something. Especially not when this something smells so wonderful, sighs so sweetly in sleep and has such a firm place in the heart. And even before it even exists.