Agen: implicated in a case of domestic violence, a man throws himself into the void

It was around 5 p.m. on Monday, January 24, when the police arrived at the home of a man on rue Sentini…

It was around 5 p.m. on Monday, January 24, when the police arrived at the home of a man, rue Sentini in Agen. The latter was to be heard in the context of a domestic violence case. His concubine had managed to leave the apartment the previous week with her child and had found refuge with relatives. Over the weekend, the companion had continued to make threats.

The 34-year-old man, with a long criminal record, already convicted of acts of violence, shouted to the police that he did not want to go back to prison. After they were able to enter the apartment, officials saw the suspect heading for the balcony.

Two of them then seized the 30-year-old, suspended in the void, to try to bring him back inside the accommodation. But the latter violently freed himself, to rush into the void.

Fall on the back

Rescue intervened after this fall of several meters, during which the Agenais fell heavily on his back. His vital prognosis was engaged while he was taken to the hospital.

A magistrate from the Agen public prosecutor’s office went to the site as part of the opening of an investigation to determine the circumstances of this accident.

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