Agent Thatcher’s Guide to Rainbow Six Siege: Weapons, Role …

Find out how to play Agent Thatcher on Rainbow Six Siege. This guide showcases the best weapons, accessories, and gadgets to maximize the potential of this much-needed assailant.

If you want an ever useful assailant then Thatcher is your man! He is one of the most sought-after support agents on the attacker side, and he more than deserves his reputation as a must-have character.

For some sites, Thatcher is almost a go-to choice if the attacking team favors opening angles towards the goal.

Thatcher Rainbow Six Siege

Thatcher is not considered to be the attacker’s best support for nothing.


How to play Thatcher

Role: Support

As a Support Agent, you are not meant to be the first to attack enemies. On the contrary, play a little more carefully until your role is fulfilled. In fact, Thatcher might just be Rainbow Six Siege’s most passive agent. You need to prioritize the proper use of your ability over everything else.



Thatcher is not the most complex to handle. Indeed, its unique ability is very easy to use but the importance of its role will make its survival essential to the attackers:

  • High responsibility
  • Not as much kill potential as other agents
  • A vital utility for the success of the attackers

Which equipment to choose for Thatcher

Which primary weapon to choose

Thatcher allows you to use 3 main weapons, theAR33, the L85A2 and the M590A1. If the shotgun remains after all very classic and ideal for close range combat, the other two weapons are similar in terms of performance and depend on personal preferences.

the L85A remains the default choice for most Thatcher players. It is a reliable weapon with a relatively low rate of fire but good bullet damage.

L85A2 RB6
ViewfinderCannonHandleUnder the barrel
x2CompensatorVertical handleX

As meant earlier, theAR33 can still be very effective if the small magazine of the weapon does not put you off. If you choose to use it, we recommend the Compensator and the Inclined Handle. As for the viewfinder, the x2 will do just fine, but feel free to experiment.

Which secondary weapon to choose

Like many other agents, Thatcher only has access to one secondary weapon. Fortunately for him, the P226 is an excellent gun.

It features high bullet damage and a large magazine capacity. the Muzzle brake will skillfully compensate for vertical recoil between shots, but if you prefer a bit of stealth, feel free to use a silencer.

P226 MK25
P226 Mk 25 RB6
ViewfinderCannonHandleUnder the barrel
XMuzzle brakeXX

Which gadget to choose

Thatcher has access to two universal gadgets: the Claymore and theExplosive.
Choosing the right gadget will largely depend on your playstyle, with both options being perfectly viable. However, our preference is still for the Claymore.

Rainbow Six Siege Claymore

Indeed, the Claymore will secure your flanks in order to focus on making the best use of its unique capacity.

Unique capacity

The Grenada IEM is Thatcher’s unique ability in Rainbow Six Siege. It has three of these devices.

Grenada IEM
Grenade IEM RB6

Thatcher’s EMP is the most reliable against for multiple defensive devices. The primary use of Thatcher’s ability is to deactivate Breach Denial’s enemy abilities in order to allow his Hard Breacher to fulfill his role.

  • Area of ​​effect not affected by walls
  • Disables for 10 seconds without destroying enemy utilities within 5.2 meters
  • Triggers 3 seconds after launch
  • Affects enemy electronic sights and lasers, disabling them for 15 seconds
  • Note, however, Thatcher’s EMP grenades do not affect his allies.

It should be noted, however, that the gadget can be destroyed by Jäger’s turrets and Wamai’s ability.

Thatcher is the safest option in terms of supporting the Hard Breacher in attackers. It will work in the vast majority of situations and will be a great asset to your team.

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