Alexandra Lamy confronted with sexism during her very first TV interview


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This Monday, December 13, Alexandra Lamy spoke on the set of “C à vous”, the sexism she suffered during her first televised interviews.

Words that would no longer pass today. This Monday, December 13, Alexandra Lamy was invited on the set of “C à vous” to promote her new film “The test”. To look back on her career, the France 5 program team broadcast an excerpt from their very first television interview in 1996. An excerpt taken from the program “W and cie”, in which the actress, then aged 25 years. A time when she was “Hyper in anguish” as she tells it.

With a smile, we see Alexandra Lamy reciting verses from Molière’s “Misanthrope”, and answering the various questions asked. “It’s interesting to listen to it in full, the interview…”, she informs after the broadcast, ensuring that the selected extract was the best passage. And for good reason, the two presenters of the time did not hesitate to ask him totally sexist questions. “I felt like I was the little youngster, surrounded by these men. And the first question that comes from a woman is, ‘Did you sleep to be successful?’ And that was it “.

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“Today, I will have intervened”

An interview that marked the 50-year-old actress and remarks that she would not let go of now: “Today, with the age that I have and the experience, honestly, I would have intervened”. Before rediscovering it on the set of “C à vous”, Alexandra Lamy confided to have seen it again and that by looking at it, she had said to herself “Wow. I was the little young actress in the midst of wolves ”.

Camille Sánchez

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