All iPhone 14 would benefit from 6 GB of RAM and a 120 Hz screen

A financial analyst released a report claiming that all iPhone 14s will get 6GB of RAM. Until now, only the Pro models integrated such a volume of RAM. The same report claims that ProMotion screens would no longer be reserved for the Pro line. It would also happen on less expensive models.

Apple’s iPhone 13

Rumors are multiplying about the iPhone 14 expected at the start of the next school year. And we are only in January! These include the models of the Pro range of most interest to leakers. In recent days, we have published several articles about the screen, which could incorporate two punches and not a notch, and photo equipment, since a 48 megapixel sensor is expected.

Read also – iPhone 14 Pro: first price overview, Apple would increase prices

These are some of the things that will separate the two Pro models from the other two. But the latter should also benefit from some improvements vis-à-vis their predecessors. It will therefore not be at the level of the main sensor, which should remain at 12 megapixels, nor even on the side of the notch, which is always present. In contrast, a financial analyst called Jeff Pu and working in investment banking Haitong International Securities would have obtained two leads on these improvements.

6GB of RAM expected in all iPhone 14 models…

In a report, the content of which has been revealed to our colleagues at Macrumors, the analyst states that all iPhone 14 models should come with 6GB of living memory. It would be a real leap forward: while the iPhone 13 Pro and iPhone 13 Pro Max already have this amount of RAM, the iPhone 13 Mini and iPhone 13 classic only have 4 GB of RAM. This was also the case with their predecessors.

On the storage option side, the analyst says that Apple would remove the 128 GB threshold from the Pro models, therefore starting at 256 GB, and would add a step to 64 GB for classic models. We hardly believe in this last hypothesis, given the growing weight of applications, videos and photos.

…as well as a 120Hz ProMotion display

Jeff Pu asserts that all iPhone 14 models would benefit from a 120Hz ProMotion display, an option previously reserved for the 13 Pro and 13 Pro Max models (as well as a few iPad Pros). ProMotion OLED displays offer a variable refresh rate, helping to reduce power consumption when a high refresh rate isn’t needed. Their arrival in the classic models would be excellent news: they would bring fluidity, but could also help to increase autonomy.

Source: MacRumors

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