Alphabet: BofA renews the purchase, target 125 dollars

( – Bank of America on Wednesday renewed its buy recommendation on Alphabet, which it attaches to a target price of 125 dollars, while Google yesterday opened up access to its technology to the general public. artificial intelligence (AI) Bard.

The broker recalls that the search engine announced yesterday that the Bard service would now be available in the United States and the United Kingdom, a decision which comes 41 days after the integration of ChatGPT functionalities within Bing (Microsoft).

While the available data suggests that the arrival of ChatGPT has boosted Bing’s audience, BofA notes that traffic at Google seems to have remained relatively stable in the meantime despite everything.

‘We believe that these figures suggest that a small number of users have tried Bing without changing their activity on Google, which leads us to believe that the impact in terms of market share will remain limited in the long term. ‘, adds the broker.

BofA points to evidence that Alphabet stock has made up much of the backlog since Bard’s disappointing presentation last month.

The professional adds that his exchanges with experts suggest that the LLM technology developed by Google should produce results comparable to those of ChatGTP, which leads him to believe that the advantage currently displayed by Bing should ultimately prove quite reduced.

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