Altcoin rally after Bitcoin halving?

In order to get closer to the answer to the question about the altcoin rally after the Bitcoin halving, BTC-ECHO market expert Stefan Lübeck and moderator Peter Büscher take a look at the data from the past and present. What exactly did the Bitcoin price do around the halvings? What impact have the Bitcoin halvings had on altcoins so far? What is the market situation today and what can be derived from this for this halving? We have once again dug up and prepared a lot of exciting numbers for you.

Winners and losers of a mixed week

After the brilliant last few weeks and the memecoin hype that was viewed with mixed feelings, the mood on the crypto market has noticeably cooled down. Bitcoin has been consolidating since its last all-time high and with it many altcoins. Today we are highlighting, among other things, Nervos Network (CKB) and the Bitget Token (BGB).

At the end, as always, you will receive all the important dates of this week as well as the currently relevant price targets for Bitcoin on the top and bottom.

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