American democracy “has become a weapon of mass destruction”: Beijing severely charges Washington

Joe Biden’s summit for democracy, organized by videoconference to bring together countries sharing the same values ​​in the face of authoritarian regimes, has barely concluded; China, which was not invited, replied curtly. “’Democracy’ has long since become a weapon of mass destruction used by the United States to interfere in other countries ”, denounced, on Saturday, December 11, the spokesperson for the Chinese foreign ministry in a statement published online. He also accuses Washington of having “Fomented the color revolutions abroad “.

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China – along with other countries, like Russia and Hungary – had been left out of the two-day summit and bluntly accused the US president of stoking ideological divisions inherited from the Cold War. The spokesperson for Chinese diplomacy also assures that the summit was organized to “Draw lines of ideological prejudices, instrumentalize and arm democracy … [et] incite division and confrontation ”. China, for its part, is committed to “Resist and resolutely oppose any kind of pseudo-democracy”.

Ahead of the summit, Beijing had stepped up its propaganda campaign lashing out at American democracy, described as corrupt and a failure. In a White Paper published last week, which aimed to strengthen its legitimacy, the communist regime, which had become increasingly authoritarian under Xi Jinping’s presidency, praised its own model, that of a “Integral popular democracy”.

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Chinese officials sanctioned

Tensions between the two greatest world powers have worsened in recent years, against a backdrop of commercial and technological competition, human rights and around the issue of Xinjiang and Taiwan.

The US Treasury on Friday sanctioned two senior Chinese officials for violating human rights in the Xinjiang region and blacklisted Chinese artificial intelligence company SenseTime for investments in the United States for its facial recognition technology targeting the Uighur minority.

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Taiwan, an island which has its own government but is claimed by Beijing, was invited to the summit, which was a clear provocation towards its neighbor. But Beijing scored a victory during the summit, with Nicaragua’s decision to sever its diplomatic alliance with Taiwan in favor of recognizing China.

After this announcement, Taiwan has only fourteen diplomatic allies. In response, the US State Department called “All countries which attach importance to democratic institutions” at “Broaden their commitment” with the island.

The World with AFP

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