Amira Pocher: She sees her future apart from television

Business instead of entertainment: Despite her success at the side of her husband, Amira Pocher does not see her future in television.

Amira Pocher (27) has had an impressive career in recent months. While the 27-year-old rarely appeared in the beginning and as a sidekick of her famous comedian husband Oliver Pocher (42, "dangerous half-knowledge"), he is no longer without her – whether on TV, a joint live stage program or the in-house Podcast. However, Amira sees her future "definitely beyond television, because it is too unpredictable for me and you can never rely on it", as she revealed in an interview with the magazine "Gala".

In addition, she wants to get started independently of her husband and "achieve my goals for me and develop myself further. (…) I don't want to be perceived as a celebrity. I would rather be creative and develop new things." For example as an entrepreneur – she recently took her first foray into the fashion world.

What about family planning?

Your most important "project" is currently a completely different one. Amira Pocher is pregnant with their second child together with Oliver Pocher. The due date is at the beginning of the coming year. In contrast to her first pregnancy, which was less than a year ago, the second so far "has been completely problem-free. I am neither nauseous nor sensitive to smells, as I was during the first pregnancy. Sometimes I even forget that I am I'm pregnant because I'm so well. "

Amira Pocher is driving her family planning as rapidly as her professional career. She doesn't yet know whether she should stay with two children in the future. But she would not be averse to more Pochers: "First of all, I would like to have my waist back for the next one or two summers. Then we can continue talking," she jokes in the interview.
