And bye !: 5 rules for leaving a party in style

And goodbye!
5 rules for leaving a party in style

© Olga Vasiljeva / Shutterstock

Are you rude if you leave before midnight? Do you have to say goodbye to all friends personally? Do you need a reason to go? We clarify!

Everyone knows that. You’re at a party and you’ve long since reached the point where you say: I want to go home! But then it starts to turn, the thought carousel: Can I go now at all – am I not bored then? Do I really have to fight my way through the crowd and find the host to say goodbye? And couldn’t I miss something if I go home now? Here is a little guide on how to make the bend without feeling bad.

1. Definitely say goodbye!

Make a Polish exit and sneak away clandestinely? Not a good idea. It’s just polite to say goodbye to your best friends – you should at least say goodbye to the host. So much decency is proper. Can’t be found anymore? Then an SMS writes: “Hi, unfortunately I couldn’t find you. I’m going home – thank you very much for the invitation. It was a great evening!”

2. Choose a convenient time

Of course, when there is food, you should also wait for all the courses. After that you should hold out for at least an hour – otherwise it looks like you were only interested in the food. When the birthday child is celebrating in, it is of course a bit strange, leave before midnight – wait at least until half past twelve, better until one. A good time is of course always when another guest leaves. You can join in wonderfully without being the only “spoilsport”.

By the way: Have you ever seen the series “How I met your Mother”? Then you may know Ted’s rule, “Nothing good happens after two in the morning”. Is that true? There is definitely some truth to it. Because think back to the horrible party moments. They certainly didn’t take place at 8 p.m., did they? On the other hand, we have already had many legendary experiences in the early morning hours. Our tip: If you are already well drunk, you should actually make the bend before two o’clock. Because with every sip more champagne, the more likely Ted is right …

3. Find the right words!

If you want to go, you go. Period. You don’t need to explain anything in great detail. If you want to leave noticeably early, a brief explanation makes sense, of course. “I have to get up early tomorrow” or “The little one makes trouble at home”. If necessary, you can fool around so as not to offend the host. Definitely thank you for the invitation and the great party.

4. Don’t let yourself be comforted!

Stay a while. You want to go already? No way, you stay here! Do these sentences sound familiar to you? Then you also know the feeling when you give in and then get angry about not having stood firm. If you’re not in the party mood anymore, then it is no use forcing yourselves. If you really want to go home, don’t get into a discussion. Just ignore the comments and smile. Another trick: Say: “Okay, I’ll stay another half hour. But I’ll say goodbye if we don’t see each other anymore.” When the group disperses again, you can steal away!

5. Know when it’s over!

In these cases you should IMMEDIATELY and IMMEDIATELY leave the party:

– If you just want to lie down on the sofa “just for a while”.

– When the host explains to you the best way to get home.

– When the Wolfgang Petry Collection is thrown in.

– If you put the wine in the schnapps glass and the schnapps in the wine glass …

– When you have to ask someone in the toilet to button your pants.

– When you’re the only one who dances – and the dance floor is the dining table.

– When a guest says they made the party public on Facebook.

– When the colleague asks how long your customer presentation will be tomorrow (and you haven’t created one yet …).


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